



the same time, ve ry intens iYe eYangehm, mainl y in the field s hitherto unreached by the Gospel. Our special sphere o f work is not in c1t1es whe re Gospel wo rk has been goi ng on for years under a permanently estab­ li shed agency, but in th e out l::i ng untouched dist ri cts. \Ye enter a fi eld onl v on the wr itten invitat ion of the mi s­ sion responsibl e fo r that fie ld. Ou r work consists of house- to­ house e1·ange li sm, ta lking to individua ls and li tt le grnups in the homes of the people. ancl g iving sni table Gospe l literature to those who manif est an interest in the message . 11·hen people. become interested. we organi ze Bible classes and seek to lead them to a fu ll er knowledge of the truth as it is re1·ealecl in God's 11·o rd. 11·.::: also hold open-a ir ser vices in markets and other sui tabl e public places, and generall y conduct a n evening evangeli sti c se n ·ice in some rentecl bui lding or large inn. Each band consists of tweh·e men and a trai ned leader. 'l\· e now ha1·e 12 bands wo rking in three prO\· inces, a total of 156 men . Dur-i11_r; a Period of Nine ,l/011/hs our workers v isitecl over 200,000 homes and d ist1·ibuted 01·er 700.000 Gospel books and t racts, hundrecls of homes were cleared of the ir idols and in 33 places self-suppo rting centers of worshi p were establi shed whi ch. by Cod' s bl ess ing. wi ll become trne self -support ing churches . Eac h clay after their private Bible stucly and praye r , th e men of each band have an hour a nd a ha l f of united Bible stuch· conductecl by the leacle r of the hand. before they go out to t heir clay's work. Th is study is pa rt of a regu lar sys temati c course c01·er ing a period of two yea rs. A 1·ear or two of solid work in one of the Biola Eva n ­ geli sti c ·Band s g iYes a uniqu e and i1waluable exper ience. \\ ·e most ea rn est ly recommend eve ry stud ent of the Hunan Bible Institute to do at least one year of this work . It far more than doubl es the va lue of the two yea rs · course at Changsha, and the mi ss ion that makes the add iti onal sac rifi ce and perm its the student to reniain with us foi· the extra yea r , how·ever much t hey may be pressed fo r help, wil l be rich ly rewarded. As soon as a stud ent gradua tes from the Bible School and begins work in one of the Biola E1·angeli stic Bands, he is pa;d a reasonable salary, and so is no longer dependent on hi s mis­ s ion fo r the da il y needs either of himself or hi s family.

E ig hty

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