Presenting ••• The Bible Institute of Los Angeles INCORPORATED
For more than a quarter of a century, the Bible Institute has s tood for the proclamation of the gospel that "Jesus Saves," and for the training of messengers that carry that gospel. And from the halls of Biola, the heart of a great missionary energy, students have gone , and continue to go, to the uttermost part of the earth to make Christ known.
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We b elieve and teach That the Bible, consisting of all the books of the Old and New Testaments, is the Word of God, a superna turally given revelation without error or misstatement in moral and spiritual teachings and record of historical facts. That there is one God, eternally existing and manifesting Himself to us in three Per sons-Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. That our Lord Jesus was supernaturally conceived by the Power of the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin , lived and taught and wrought mighty works and wonders and s igns exactly as is recorded in the four Gospels, was put to death by crucifixion under Pontius Pilate, was raised from the dead in the body that had been nailed to the cross, now sits at the Father's right hand from whence He is coming again to this earth, personally, bodily, and visibly, in which God's purposes of grace toward mankind will find their consummation. That in His pre-existent state He was with God and was God, and of His own choice laid aside His divine glory and took upon Himself the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men. That He became in every respect a real man, possessed of all the essential character istics of human nature. That by His death upon the cross, the Lord Jesus made a perfect atonement for sin, redeem ing us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse in our place. That the Holy Spirit is a Person, is God, and is possessed of all the distinctively divine attributes. That man was created in the image of God, but the whole human race fell in the sin of the first Adam, and apart from Christ is spiritually dead and lost. That men are justified on the simple and single ground of the shed blood of Christ and upon the simple and single condition of faith in Him who shed the blood, and are born again by the Holy Spirit, through the instrumentality of the Word of God. That all those who receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour and their Lord, and who con fess Him as such before their fellow men become heirs of God and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ and at death their spirits depart to be with Christ in conscious blessed ness, and at the second coming of Christ their bodies shall be raised and trans formed into the likeness of the body of Hi s Glory. That all those who persistently reject Jesus Christ in the present life shall be raised from the dead and throughout eternity exist in a state of conscious and endless torment. That the Church consists of all those who, in this present dispensation, truly believe on Jesus Christ, and is the body and bride of Chri s t, which Christ loves and for which He has given Himself. That there is a personal devil, a being of great cunning who can exert vast power only so far as God suffers him to do so, and who shall ultimately be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone. -Abridged. Every member of the Board of Trustees and every teacher is required lo sign the unabridged form of this statement of faith the first of every school year.
Calendar 1944-45
FALL SEMESTER September 7, 1944-January 28, 1945
September 5, 6- Registration. September 7- Convocation. Classes begin. September 21 -- Last day of registration.
October 23-27-Midterm examinations. November 23, 24--Thansgiving Holidays. December 8 (noon)-Chris tmas recess begins. January 2 (8:30 A.M.) - Prayer Hour. Classes resume. January 15-19-Final examinations January 21-28-Torrey Memorial Bible Conference.
SPRING SEMESTER January 29-June 7, 1945
January 29, 30- Registration January 31-Convocation. Classes begin. February 14-Last day of registration. March 19-23-Midterm examir:.ations. March 23 (noon) -March 30-Easter recess. April 2 (8:30 A M.) - Convocation and Prayer Hour. April 2-8-Missionary Rally. May 31-June 6- Fineaxalminations. Sunday, June 3- Baccalaureate Sunday. Monday, June 4- Alumni Day. Wednesday, June 6-Class Day. Wednesday, June 6 (3:00 p.m.) - Senior Music Recital. Thursday, June 7-G raduation.
SUMMER SCHOOL June 19 - July 28, 1944
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"Our Bible Institute was conceived in prayer, founded by faith, , and established through sacrifice. .
- Lyman Stewart .
R. A . Torrey. world-renowned evangelist Bible teacher, and author, became Dean of the Bible In stitute of Los Angeles in 1912. ln 1915, when the Church of the Open Door was organized, Dr. Torrey became its first pastor. He served in this twofold capacity until his resignation in 1924.
T. C . Horton, one of the founders of BIOLA, held the office of Superintendent until 1925. He was the first editor of The King's Business, and the organizer of the Fishermen Clubs. The various home missionary activities of the Institute were largely the outgrowth of his intense missionary zeal.
Lyman Stewart, cofounder with Mr. Horton of BIOLA, became its first President, holding that office until his death in 1923. He gave largely and sacrificially of his means, not only to BIOLA, but to many other worthy enterprises. The Bible Institute in Changsha, Hunan, China, was founded largely through his interest and gifts.
In 1906 a young men's Bible class was organized in the Immanuel Presbyterian Church by Rev. T. C. Horton, Bible teacher of the church. This class soon took on larger proportions and was named "The Fishermen's Club." A short time later Mr. D. H. Steele, an elder of the same church and manager of a department store, re quested Mrs. Horton to open a Bible class for the young women of his store, offering a large room for the purpose The class grew to large numbers by the coming in of young women from other stores, and was named "The Lyceum Club." From such young people the first students of the Bible Institute were recruited. In the Fall of 1907, Mr. Horton secured the cooperation of Rev. A. B. Pritchard, pastor of Central Presbyterian Chu rch, and some day classes were he ld in the lecture room of that church. It soon became c lear that a building was needed , and several weeks were spent in search of proper quarters. A location was secured on South Main Street, not an ideal location, but the best then offered. On February 25, 1908, a: meeting was called to effect a permanent organization. At this meeting the following persons were e lected as officers : Lyman Stewart, Presi dent; A. B. Pritchard, Vice-President T. C . Horton, Superintendent; R. A. Hadden, Associate Superintendent; B. C. Atterbury, Secretary; and Leon V. Shaw, Treasurer. There was a rapid development of the school. Messrs. Horton, Hadden, and Pritchard formed the Faculty and took up the teaching work. From the beginning, the school was evangelistic in character. Shop meetings were taken over and conducted, Bible Women's work was organized, a work among Jews was commenced, as was also Spanish Mission work and work among the men of the oil fields, and Extension classes were organized in the city and surrounding towns. In 1911 the Board of Directors decided upon an advance movement and called Dr. R. A. Torrey as Dean. Dr. Torrey entered upon his duties in January, 1912. In order to meet the enlarging needs and to provide a more suitable and perma nent home for the school, a new site was purchased at Sixth and Hope Streets and a building was put up, ground for which was broken on June 22, 1912, and the building was dedicated the following year. Dr. Torrey continued as Dean until 1924, when he again entered the evangelistic fie ld. Owing to the growth of the school and the increase of responsibility thereby entailed, a reorganization was effected and the work divided: a President to care for the administrative aspect, and a Dean to handle the eductional phases, working under the Board of Trustees. Dr. Louis T. Talbot is the present President of the school and Dr. S. H. Sutherland, Dean of the Faculty. Legally known as The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, this institution -with true pioneer spirit-has taken forward steps in the field of Christian education by strengthening its courses materially. In 1936 the Institute applied for and received State authorization for the conferring of certain degrees. Three four-year courses were then organized leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Theology, Bachelor of Christian Education, and Bachelor of Sacred Music . In 1943, under authority of the State of California, the Board of Trustees of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles established the Bible Theological Seminary of Los Angeles. This move was made in order to provide proper recognition for those stu dents who are doing work of seminary level. This expansion does not mean any departure from the theological and spiritual standards of this institution. The statement of faith to which the founders of the school subscribed is still rigidly adhered to in every detail. (See page 3.)
LOUIS T. TALBOT, D.D., President RAY MYERS, Chairman of Board JAMES R ALLDER, Business Mana ger and Secretary to the Board
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.Registrar and Secretary of Faculty
. Superintendent of Men .Superintendent of Women
Th eology and Apologetics
.History and Homiletics
.Practical Christian Work and Missions
. Christian Education
.Mu sic
English Bible . Apologetics
. Biblical Languages
En glish
En glish Bible and Apologetics
En glish Bible
.Music .Music
Christian Education
. .Piano, Organ
.Firs t Aid, Home Nursing
Otis LEAL, A.B.
Piano, Theory
MORGAN, M.S , Mus.Ed
John B. TROWBRIDGE, Ph.B. , Mus.B., M.A., D.S.M
THE OBJECT OF THE INSTITUTE The Bible Institute is primarily a training school which seeks to equip its students with a thorough knowledge of the Bible, to train them in its effective use in any form of Chri s tian activity, and to foster the development of the spiritual life and character of the student. The Institute aims to send forth men and women who express through their lives at least the following characteristics: I. Genuine and thorough consecration. 2. Christ like love for men and a desire for their salvation. 3. A comprehensive knowledge of the Word of God, with ability to use it in leading men to Christ, and with wisdom to teach it to believers that they may grow in grace. 4. Unt iring energy and willingness to "endure hardness" as good soldiers of Jesus Christ.
5. The ability to live and cooperate with fellow Chri stians. 6. Enduement with power by the filling with the Holy Spirit.
The standard of conduct of a Bible Institute student is expected to be the highest Christian s tandard, and the rule by which he lives, the conscious striving for God 's approval and the conscious protection of his Christian testimony. Specifically, there are certain practices which are contrary to the standards of the Bible Institute, and from which, therefore, all students are to refrain as long as they remain students: the use of alcoholic liquor and tobacco in any form, attendance at theaters, dancing, card playing, and gambling in any form.
All students must live in the Institute Dormitory during the course of their training, with certain possible exceptions as follows: I. The privilege of outside residence is granted to married students with children, or in case either hu sband or wife is not enrolled. 2. If the home of the student is within the Los Angeles metropolitan area and it should otherwise be impossible to attend, he may enter the Institute and re s ide at home for half the duration of his cou rse. 3. If employment of a man requires outside residence this may be granted by vote of the Faculty. Th is privilege is not granted to women. 4. Should other circumstances exist whereby it is clearly not feasible for the stu dent to reside in the Institute, special permission to live e lsewhere may be ob tained from the Faculty.
Rooms are furnished, heated, lighted, and supplied with running water, hot and cold. The Institute supplies linen and launders the same. Students take care of their own rooms.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION In order to maintain the best physical fitness for school work, each student should spend at least two hours per week in outdoor exercise. The California State Law exempts from compulsion students over 2.5 years of age and married students. All other students are required to comply with this health provision. RECREATIONAL FACILITIES The nearness of city playgrounds makes possible group sports out of doors, and the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. furnish opportunity for indoor exercise and organized games. A number of city parks have picnic equipment, and the beaches are within an hour's ride. The Student Body maintains a recreation room where ping-pong, shuffle-board, and table games are played. Recreation combined wiih education may be found in trips to places of interest in the Los Angeles area, such as Exposition Park Museum, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Griffith Observatory, Huntington Library, Mt. Wilson Observatory, the Palestine Ex hibit, and Southwest Museum.
SUMMER SCHOOL A six-weeks Summer School from the middle of June to the end of July is con ducted each year ond the summer courses have been strengthened to cooperate with government requirements for theologica1 students. All work satisfactorily completed is counted hour for hour on diploma or degree courses. Classes are taught by the regular Biola Faculty. Dcrmitory accommodations are available for all students. Sufficient work may be taken during the summer to lighten the winter schedule or to decrease the time in residence. Beginning with the summer sess ion of 1944, evening classes will be held in con nection with the Summer School. BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSES The Bible Institute of Los Angeles offers to men and women throughout the wor ld the opportunity of obtaining a working knowledge of the Bible through its several comprehensive, systematic, and inexpensive courses. The courses, printed in loose-leaf form, making the lessons adaptable for indi vidual or class use, are designed for the purpose of causing the student to see for himself the clear teaching of the Word of God on the subjects studied. Four courses offer credit for residential study at the Institute 's Day School. Send for free Prospectus describing in detail all of our nineteen courses. Address: The Correspondence School. EVENING SCHOOL The Evening School meets the need of the Christian who finds Day School attend ance impossible. Sunday School workers, and all others who take seriously their most effective witness for Jesus Christ, find a valuable training here. The courses offered are a part of the Day School curriculum, and are taught by regular members of the Faculty. Full Day School credit is allowed for each subject taken.
$10.00 Registration fee 6.00 Student Benefit fee, 2.00 Departure card deposit .50 Room key deposit
FEES-SPECIAL $ 5.00 Late registration fee charged to all students who regi ster after opening registration days. 5.00 Auditors' fee forthose enrolling as auditors. (This fee is waived for re turned missionaries.) .50 Examination fee for examination taken outside regular schedule.
4.00 Diploma fee for Institutecourses. 5.00 Diploma fee for Seminary courses.
$19.00 per month for single room 12.50 per month each. for double room. 1.00 per day for board in Institute Dining Room. New students are required to make a deposit of $100.00 on room and board, or a minimum of $50.00 with an underwriter's card. Returning students are required to make a deposit of $50.00 on room and board, or a minimum of $25.00 with an underwriter's card. The registration fee takes care of such expenses as the maintenance of the Stu dent Employment Bureau, Hospital Fund, and the service of the School Nurse in cases not requiring hospital care. When a student must go to a hospital, the school will defray the charge for room and board in one of the best hospitals in the city, to an amount not exceeding $80.00. MUSIC STUDENTS $22.50 per semester (15 30-minute lessons) for voice and all instruments except organ. 30.00 per semester (15 40-minute lessons) for organ. Full payment in advance entitles the student to 16 lessons. STUDENT EMPLOYMENT The Institute ma intains an employment office for the benefit of students needing part-time work in order to defray expenses. While this provi sion does not guarantee employment, the Employment Secretary makes an honest effort to place every needy student as the Lord makes openings possible. The student who finds it necessary to work for the entire amount of his living expenses should plan on extending the time to complete his course.
* Prices subject to change.
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ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS All applicants for admission to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles should be 18 years of age, of at least one year's Christian experience, and well recommended by their referees. Prospective students should write to the Superintendent of Men or Women re spectively, enclosing the application included in this catalog (see pp. 37-38) or re questing application and reference blanks. Those desiring to enroll in any of the courses leading to a degree must hold a high school diploma, and have 8 recommended units as follows: 2 units of English; 3 units of social science; 2 of language; l of science. Students entering the Institute must begin work at the beginning of a semester, either in September or January, preferably in September. Students are accepted on trial, and if for any reason they are found unadapted for Christian work, they may be asked to withdraw at any time. ADVANCED STANDING Students who have been enrolled in another Bible Institute, college, or seminary, may apply for advanced standing. The Registrar will evaluate such work on the basis of equivalency. Credit may be granted only at the discretion of the teacher of the subject in volved, on the basis of a personal interview with the student and an examination if the instructor deems it necessary. Credit is to be applied for at beginning of a semester and must be cleared by mid-term of that semester. This applies to work covered by correspondence. Minimum requirements for graduation are: one year of resident work, one semes ter's residence in the building, and nine hours per semester of classroom work. Classification OF STUDENTS I. Regular-Those who have met full requirements for admission and who carry a prescribed schedule looking forward to graduation. 2. Special-Those who present reasons satisfactory to the faculty are privileged to take an elective course consisting of a minimum of five hours of classroom work which includes at least one Bible subject. 3. Post Graduate-Graduates of the school who wish to return for additional work for credit. 4. Auditors-Those who wish to attend classes without receiving credit. Auditors may not orally participate in class, may not hand in class assignments, and may not take examinations. COURSE RESTRICTIONS Seminary subjects are open only to students who are classified in the seminary courses, or to Seniors who have maintained a scholarship average of c+. Eight units in Music are allowed as electives to students not enrolled as mus ic majors.
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No student will be classified as to his course until the beginning of his second year. To qualify as a seminary student, one must have a scholarship average of c+ for the immediately preceding semester. Students expecting to qualify for a seminary course must have a diploma from a standard four-year high school with the following units: 3 units of English, 2 of social science, 2 of language, 1 of science, or the equivalent. Special students must enroll for at least one Bible subject and take at least 5 hours of classroom work. REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION A grade average of C+ (grade point total equal to total units of credit) is re quired for graduation with a diploma or degree. Students who cover the work of a regular course but whose grade point average is less than a c+ (or under 1.0) shall be eligible for a certificate. In addition to receivirig satisfactory scholastic rating in all required courses, a student must give satisfactory evidence of strong Christian character and soundness of doctrine. An essay, not exceeding 1500 words, is a graduation requirement and shall be subm itted by each prospective senior not later than the end of the fall semester pre ceding his graduation.
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EVANGELICAL TEACHER TRA INING ASSOCIATION The Evangelical Teacher Training Association, organized in 1931, is an a ssoci { ' ation of more than one hundred Bible schools, evangelical colleges and seminaries who will give, as part of their regular training, courses leading to a Teacher Train ing Certificate. Requirements of the Standard Course of the a s sociation are met by Bible lns ti- tute students who take the following courses: Bible 144 hours Eng. Bible 101-104- Personal Evangelism 36 hours . Eng. Bible 114 Missions 36 hours Missions 901 Bible Geography 12 hours ..Chr. Educ. 602 Biblical Introduction 12 hours Apologetics 301 Child Study 15 hours Chr. Educ. 603. Pedagogy 15 hours Chr. Educ. 601 Sunday School Administration 15 hours Chr. Educ. 607 Departmental Specialization and related subjects 48 hours .............Chr. Educ. 608 or 609 Electives 99 hours .Any subject of- fered at the Institute SCHOOL HONORS The Phi Alpha Chi Christian Scholastic Honor Society was established at Gordon College to give recognition to high scholastic attainment in Christian training schoo ls of collegiate standing. The Bible Seminary of Los Angeles has a chapter of Phi Alpha Chi, and each year elections to its membership are made from the members of the grads.wting class who have maintained a grade average of A- (Grade point 2.0) or better throughout their course. The charter permits up to 15% of the graduating class to be so honored Students completing the three -year Institute courses with an average of A (grade point 2..0) or above are graduated Cum Laude. SCHOLARSHIPS The Helen Day Fuller scholarships were established in 1942 by Charles E. Fuller (Bio la '21) in loving memory of his mother. Each year the faculty of the Institute se lects one woman and one man from the third or fourth year class to receive these awards. The choice is made on the basis of spiri tuality, scholarship standing, aititudes, and need. The Jean Bernard Student Fund, established by the will of Jean Bernard, provides a loan fund to assist students studying to be miss ionaries. Money from this fund is loaned to qualifying students without interest. LIBRARY FACILITIES The Biola Library, now containing more than 10,500 volumes, is a valuable aid to the study of the Book of Books. The majority of these volumes are on Biblical sub jects. In addition to available books, the Library offers special services to students for practical work ass ignments. Scripturegraph materials, object lessons, and pictures for story telling are available, also charts outlining dispensational and other Scrip ture material for teaching. Sermon materials are filed according to subject and also according to book and chapter reference.
The Reading Room is a pleasant place in which to study. Many a Biola student has found here not only a rich storehouse, but also a sanctuary where life lessons are learned in the light of God's Word .
ATTENDANCE A record of attendance is taken at each class session. Students not in the ir seats when the fina l be ll rings are tardy and are recorded as absent. The term "tardiness" does not appear on attendance records. Attendance at each class session is required of all students. Any absence from class must be recorded by the student in the office of his Superintendent. The justi fiability of the excuse will be considered by a Faculty committee. Absences not ex cused by the committee reduce the fina l grade in the subject involved.
GRADES Grades are recorded by means of the following symbols: Meaning
Grade Point Valu e
3 2
Very Good
Passing Failure
Incomplete A semester grade in any subject is based on the student's grasp of subject matter as evidenced by his daily class work and his examinations, his attitude toward the class and toward the subject, effort, punctuality in completing assignments, and class conduct. CURRICULUM The maior emphasis of the Bible Institute has always been on a study of the Bible. With this, the curriculum combines such related subjects as will give the stu dent a well-balanced equipment for present day service. The Institute courses, three in number, provide opportunity for emphasis on the particular field of the student's choice. These courses lead to a diploma, as follows: l. General (see page 27). 2. Christian Education (see page 28). 3. Music (see page 29). In response to a need for wider training in specialized fields, the Bible Seminary has been established with five four-year courses leading to degrees as fo ll ows: l. Theology Th. B. (see page 30). 2. Theology-Missionary Th. B. (see page 31) . 3. Christian Education B. Chr. Ed. (see page 32). 4. Christian Education-Missionary B. Chr. Ed. (see page 33). 5. Music B. Sac. Mus . (see page 34). The Institute also offers private music instruction, not only for students majoring in music, but also for others who wish to develop musical talent for the Lord's service. Thi s provision covers work in voice, elementary piano, classical piano, gospel piano accompanying, organ, piano accordion, and band or orchestral instruments. Four units of English are required for graduation. These may be elected from the six courses listed (see pp. 21-22) with the exception that English 504 (Grammar) is a prerequisite for New Testament Greek. Parallel with classroom study, Biola students serve while learning by engaging in definite Christian work. In addition to teaching Sunday School classes in more than 125 different churches, these students participate in street, hospital , and jail teams . They conduct mission programs, young people's mee tings, and church services. Tract distribution and the follow-up work afford many opportunities for personal witnessing. It is the desire of Biola to help each student find that particular task to which the Lord has called him. Thi s activity is under the direction of the Practical Christian Work De partment, and each student is granted one unit of credit each semester for faithfully fulfilling the obligations of his particular variety of service.
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Description of Subjects ENGLISH BIBLE 101-115 John A. Hubbard-Department Head
101 - 104 SYNTHESIS I, II, III. IV
The synthetic method of Bible Study is designed to enable the student to obtain a broad view of the contents of Scripture, see ing each book as a whole and its relation to the other books. I. The Pentateuch II. The Historical , Prophetical, and Poetical books of the Old Testament III. The Gospels and I and II Thessalonians IV. Epistles-I Corinthians through Jude (except I and II Thessalonians and Hebrews) -Dr. Hubbard 105-106 ANALYSIS (I, II) cons iders in detail two New Testament books, inquiring into the authorship, occasion for writing, purpose and theme of each. The student analyzes the contents and searches for spiritual truths. I. Acts of the Apos tles II. The Epistle to the Romans -Dr. Hubbard 107-110 EXPOSITION (I, II, III, IV) instructs the s tudent in the expository method of studying Scripture.
I. Revelation (for Institute courses) II. Hebrews (for Institute courses) III. Hebrews (for Seminary courses) IV. Daniel and Revelation (for Seminary courses)
-Dr. Sutherland, Mr. Ramm
111 DISPENSATIONS takes the student through the Bible from Genesis to Reve lation in the light of the dispensations. Charts are prepared by the student for each dispensation. -Dr. Sutherland 112 TYPOLOGY consists of a study of Old Testamen t types, placing special em phasis upon the study of the Tabernacle, the Offerings, and the Feasts. Spir itual lessons which can be applied in the life of the individual student are emphasized. -Mrs. Hooker 113 HERMENEUTICS is intended to acquaint the student thoroughly with the rules of interpretation as a basis for a correct understanding and a proper handling of the Holy Scriptures. -Mr. Ramm 1!4 PERSONAL EVANGELISM covers in its scope the way of salvation, methods of doing personal work, Scriptural answers to excuses for not accepting Christ as Saviour, and instructions for strengthening new converts in the faith -Dr. Sutherland
CHAPTER SUMMARY introduces the student to an effective method of Bible study. Application of the method is made to various types of chapters, fol lowed by an intensive study of the Gospel of Mark and the Book of Psalms. -Miss Pentney
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THEOLOGY 201-212 Paul R. Bauman-Department Head
DOCTRINE I traces from the Bible itself the doctrines of the existence, nature, and attributes of God, and of the in spiration of the Sc riptures as God's rev elation to man. -Mr. Ramm DOCTRINE II (Christ and the Ho ly Spirit) considers the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the personality and work of the Holy Spirit. -Mr. Ramm DOCTRINE III (Man, Sin, Satan, Angels) deals with the creation, nature, and fa ll of man, the nature and destiny of a ngels, the devil, and demons. - Mr. Ramm DOCTRINE IV (Salvation· and Last Things) treats of the Biblical plan of sal- vat ion and redemption, and the Biblical teach ing concerning future events. -Mr. Ramm SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY I (God and Revelation) dea ls with the methods of revelation; the inspiration of the Scriptures; the nature and attributes of God; the doctrine of the Trinity. -Dr. Bauman SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY II (Christ and the Spirit) studies the Eternal Son a s the perfect and supreme Revealer of the Godhead; a consideration of the Person and work of Chri s t; the deity, personality and work of the Holy Spirit. -Dr. Bauman SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY III (God and the World) considers the re lation of God to the world-His eternal plan, creation, preservation and providence; His relation to His personal creatures-Satan, angels, demons and men; man's original relation to the Creator; the fall; and the problems of physical and mora l evil. -Dr. Bauman SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY IV (Salvation and the Christian Life) traces the saving work of God in the life of the believer, beginning with grace and continuing through to glorification. Special attention is given to problems related to the individual' s Christian experience. -Dr. Bauman SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY V (The Kingdom and the Church) presents a study of the Kingdom of God, tracing in the Scripture the course of the Mediatorial Kingdom from its beginning in Old Testament prophecy to its millennial mani fest ation and final consummation; the Church in its universal and local aspects; the purpose of the Church; her organization and various relations. -Dr. Bauman
210 SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY VI (Biblical Eschatology) considers the problems of physical death. the intermediate state, the second coming of Christ; the doct rine of the Resurrection , judgment, the final state of the saved and the lost. -Dr. Bauman 211-212 PASTORAL THEOLOGY (I, II) brings before students preparing for the min istry the practical problems concerning the pastor and his call, his personal life and study, hi s work in the field and in the pulpit (I), and his relation to the church, to the community, to his particular denomination, to other de nominations, and to the world-wide work of the Church of Jesus Christ (II) . -Dr. Sutherland
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APOLOGETICS 301-310 Paul R. Bauman-Department Head
APOLOGETICS I (General Biblical Introduction) treats the problems of in spiration, canonicity, genuineness and authenticity, Biblical languages and writi n g materials of the Old and New Testaments. Attention is given to the inter-Testament period and the Apocryphal books. Special emphasis is given to a history of the English Bible . -Dr. Bauman APOLOGETICS II (Ch r istian Evidences) examines the proofs of the divine authority of the Christian religion as seen in the Biblical, historical , and archaeological records, and the verification of Christian experience. · -Dr. Bauman APOLOGETICS III (Biblical Archaeology) surveys the field of Archaeology to show how recent discoveries in Egypt, Babylonia, Assyria, and Pales tine witness to the authenticity and infallibility of the Holy Scriptures. -Dr. Bauman APOLOGETICS IV (Bible and Sc ience) reveals the relationship between science and the Bible, including a careful study of the Genesis account of creation in the light of the original text and in the light of scientific facts. Other passages of importance relating to scientific phenomena are con sidered in the same manner. -Dr. Bauman APOLOGETICS V (Special Biblical Introduction) is a course designed to acquaint the student with the authenticity of the separate books of the Old and New Testaments, a mastery of the methods and problems of introduc tion, formation of the canon, and critical attacks. Prerequisite: Apologetics 301. -Mr. Ramm APOLOGETICS VI (New Testament Archaelogy) presents a general survey of the literary and historical background of the New Testament , including inter-Biblical history, Jewish and pagan customs, and the discoveries of archaeology which bear upon the interpretation of the New Testament. -Dr. Bauman CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY sets forth the adequacy of the Christian religion as a philosophy, and, by comparison with other systems, proves it to be the only adequate philcsophy -Dr. Lowman CHRISTIAN PSYCHOLOGY presents the study of the human mind, based upon the valid conclusions of general psychology, emphasizing its Scriptural foundation, its application to the ministry of evangelism, and the psychology of the "new man." -Dr. Lowman
NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS studies the living religions of the world, con- sidering their philosophy, doctrine, and practices. -Dr. Lowman
CULTS presents a study of modern-day cults. Source material, giving the teachings of the cults, is compared with the corresponding teaching of the Word of God. -Dr. Lowman
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LANGUAGE 401-414 Reid McCullough-Department Head
401-402 NEW TESTAMENT GREEK (I, II ) introduces the s tud ent to the orig inal la n guage of the New Testament by a basic study of Greek g ramma r, the ac quisition of a working vocabulary , and practice in reading easy port ions of the New Testament. -Dr. McCullough 403-406 GREEK EXEGESIS (I, II, III, IV) continues grammatical and s yntact ical study of New Testament Greek and s tudie s the translation and exeges is o f specific books. I. The Gospel of John II. The Epistles of John and the Re velation
III. Romans , I Corinthians and one selected Epistle IV. Gospel of Luke or Matthew and selected Epistl es
-Dr. McCu ll ou gh
407-410 HEBREW (I, II, II , IV) acquaints the student with the ori g inal language of the Old Testament. He brew grammar is followed by reading from the He b rew Bible parts of Genes is, Psalms , and the Prophets , and trans la tion in to He brew with special emphasis on idiom. - Dr. McCu // ou gh 411 -412 SPANISH (I, II) gives the s tudent a foundation in g rammar a nd pronun c i ation with special emphasi s on conversation and the prepara tion o f s imple messages in Spanis h. In s tru c tor to be announ ced 413-414 PHONETICS (I, II) deals with the science o f the articul a te sounds of human speech. The sounds of Englis h speech are analyzed , al so the sounds peculiar to mission fields . The student is taught how to class ify, reproduce, and prop erly record unfamiliar speech sounds. - Mr. Leal
HOMILETICS AND PUBLIC SPEAKING 501-514 W. Harll e e Borde aux-Department He ad
ENGLISH I (Etymolog y) prepares the s tuden t fo r the prese ntat ion of the Chris tian message by st udying words a s the vehi cle of e xpres s ion . The structu re and sources of ou r present s p eech , exac tness o f meani ng , and manne r of e xp ress ion are studied and a p pl ied to the C hri stian theme. -Miss Pe n tne y lay th e fou n dation for both oral a nd written e xpress ion by the study of compos i tion fo rms and the mechanics of writing . Express ion come s through s impler types of wr iting and organ ization a nd de li very of brie f devotiona l messages (II ), a nd th rough an increased scope of w r iting including the gos p el tra c t a n d the C hristian problem narra tive (III ). -Miss Pe n tne y
502-503 ENGLISH II , III (Composition)
ENGLISH IV (Grammar) applies the fundamental facts of technical grammar to the text of the English Bibl e, with special emphasis upon those structures which contribute most to the understanding of the Scriptures in their original languages. This course, or its equivalent, is a prerequisite for New Testa ment Greek. -Miss Pentney
505-506 ENGLISH V, VI (Literature) acquaint the student with British and American literature, respectively, with emphasis upon Christian writers and the appli cation of literary quotations to the Christian message. -Miss Pentney 507- 508 PUBLIC SPEAKING includes fundamentals in the use of the voice in public speaking, assigned study in the writings of masters of speech, speech analy sis, outlines, class practice and criticism. -Dr. Bordeaux 509-5 14 HOMILETICS (I, II, III, IV, V, VI) considers the writing of sermons and their delivery before the class, constructive criticism, study of outstanding homi letical texts (I, II); the fundamentals of public address with a thorough ac quaintances with the choicest texts of this field, practice in outlining and writ ing the full manuscript of messages, preaching before the class followed by criticism, and analyses of sermons by masters of the art (III-VI). -Dr. Bordeaux
LOGIC disciplines the student in soundness of reasoning, testing for validity of thought, the doctrine of terms, principles of correct predication, accurate inferences, and right conclusions. -Dr. Bordeaux
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 601-617 Nadine K. Warner-Department Head
PEDAGOGY includes the study of the principles of teaching, the use of illus trations and questions, the preparation of, and presentation of a Sunday School lesson, thus better equipping the teacher who would make the Bible clear and cogent to a class. -Miss Warner BIBLE GEOGRAPHY, CUSTOMS AND MANNERS gives the student a knowl edge of the geography of the countries concerned, and of the manners and customs which prevailed in Bible times, thus throwing important light upon otherwise obscure passages of Scripture. -Miss Warner CHILD STUDY AND EVANGELISM includes a study of child psychology with a view to understanding the child in the various periods of his development, thereby finding the most effective ways of leading him to an intelligent ac- ceptance of Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. -Mrs. Hooker METHODS OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION sets before the student the most effective methods of presenting Bible material to each age group in the Sunday School, emphasizing the use of the story, recitation, and discussion methods, and the intelligent use of visual aids, such as chalk talks, Scri pture graph, and charts. -Mrs. Hooker
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605-606 PRACTICE TEACHING (I, II) makes a practical application of the laws of pedagogy and the methods of teaching. Students teach lessons s uitable for children from the Cradle Roll through the Junior Department (I), and from the Junior High Department through the Senior Young People's Department (II). Constructive criticism is given in class. -Miss Warn e r, Mrs . Hooker
SUNDAY SCHOOL ORGANIZATION AND ADMWISTRATION deals wi th the organization and administration of the Sunday School and its various a c tivities, including the Junior Church and the week-day Bible Class. -Mrs. Hooke r
608-609 DEPARTMENTAL SPECIP.LIZATION (I, II) is a study of the organization of each department in the Sunday School from the Cradle Roll through the Junior Department (I) , and from the Junior High through the Young People's Department (II). Worship services, and both regular and special programs are worked out, and materials best suited for each department collected. -Miss Warner, Mrs. Hooke r
DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL AND HANDCRAFT gives instruction in the organization and administration of the Daily Vacation Bible School, and also in the planning of a daily program centered around a theme. Practical material is collected and instruction is given in correlated handwork. -Mrs. Hooke r CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP prepares the students to be leaders among young people in the church and its various activities, through an analysis of the qualifications of a Christian leader, the problems he must meet, and the fields of leadership. -Mrs. Hooker RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES prepares the Christian leader to meet the present-day demands for a well-rounded recreational program for the youth of the church. Hikes, picnics, parties, banquets, and Christian camps can do much to attract and hold young people for Christ and the Church. -Miss Warn e r
613-614 ADOLESCENCE (I, II) acquaints the potential leader with the nature and needs (I), and the problems and interests (II) of adolescent young people, with the underlying purpose of better understanding them and winning them to Christ. -Miss Warne r
PRACTICUM assigns to a Seminary Christian Education Senior the respon sibility of leadership in a Sunday School or Young People's Department in order that he may analyze the situation, classify the needs , formulate des ir- able aims, and solve problems. -Miss Wa rner CLUB LEADERSHIP surveys the field of young people's organizations and week-day clubs. Qualifications for and principles of leadership, organization, methods followed, value and adaptability of program, are considered. -Miss Warne r SEMINAR permits the Senior student to do individual research work in the particular field of his choice. Supervised reading and observation, and the writing of a thesis, are required. -Miss Warn e r
61 7
HISTORY 701-704 W. Harllee Bordeaux-Department Head
CHURCH HISTORY I presents a brief survey of outstanding points in church history, intended to lamiliarize the student with the great epochs of church history and to lay the foundation for broader study of the subject. -Dr. Bordeaux
702-703 CHURCH HISTORY (II, III). for Seminary students, presents in greater de tail the history of the Christian Church from Pentecost until the great Protest ant Reformation (II), and from the Reformation to the present day (III ). -Dr. Bordeaux
ANCIENT HISTORY IN BIBLE LIGHT provides a b a ckground for and under standing of the Bible account by considering the parallel development of other nations which exerted an influence upon the Hebrew people. -Dr. Bordeaux
MUSIC 801-824 He rbert G. Tovey- Department Head
80 1-802 CONDUCTING AND CLASS VOICE (I, II) is a non-technical course especially desiqned to prepare the student for an approach to the music of the average church. The year's work includes elements of choir organization and con ducting, congregational song leading, and the understanding of the use of 1he voice in speech and song. -Dr. Tovey 803-806 MUSIC THEORY (I, II, III, IV) embraces the commonly -named music subjects such as: Solfeggio, Sight-Singing, Harmony, Form and Analysis, and begin ning Counterpoint. The complete course leads to advanced study in Counter point and Composition. -Mr. Heydenburk 807-809 CONDUCTING (I, II, III) presents a complete study of all the rhythms used in conducting music, and technique of conducting choirs and other choral groups. Crowd psychology is considered as it relates to group singing. -Dr. Tovey 810-813 CHOIR METHODS AND MATERIALS (I, II, III , IV) analyzes the organization and conduct of choirs and other choral groups of all sizes. The art of select ing and using the best and most useful material of sacred music, including a complete study of the Oratorio, is followed by individual experience in di recting, and research under supervis ion. -Mrs. Tovey
814-815 GOSPEL SONG COMPOSITION (I, II) gives practice in the creation and in the writing of music and words for Gospel Songs of harmonic and melodic strength. A public presentation of the work done in class concludes the year's work . -Dr. Hooker 816-817 HYMNOLOGY (I, II) surveys the hymn material of the Church, past and present, through a study of the writers grouped by periods, and of the cir- cumstances surrounding the creation of the great hymns. -Miss Morgan 818-819 COUNTERPOINT (I, II) makes a study of the art of combining melodies . Work is done in free counterpoint culminating in original 2- and 3-part inventions. -Mrs. Tovey 820-821 COMPOSITION (I, II) consists of original music writing: the section, the phrase, the period, primary 2- and 3-part forms, and motive development. -Mr. Heydenburk
822-823 ORCHESTRATION (I, II) begins with a study of acoustics, which
leads to a study of each of the orchestral and band instruments, its range, tone quality, and proper use in combinations. The orchestration of hymns is the practical applicati.on of the theory learned. -Mr. Heydenburk SENIOR THESIS AND SEMINAR reviews the material of the entire music course, The preparation and writing of the thesis is done under supervision. -Mrs. Tovey
Missions 901-907 John A. Hubbard-Department Head
MISSIONS I (Survey) looks into the great miss ion fields of the world, and examines the past missionary work and the present need. -Mr. Hillis
MISSIONS II (Principles) searches out the actual methods of missionary work fo und in the Word and with this basis looks into the life of the presen t-day m issionary on the field. -Mr. Hillis
903-904 ANTHROPOLOGY (I, II), a specially designed course for missionary candi d ates, emphasizes the practical and utilitarian aspect of general anthropol- gy. Besides general anthropological background this couse deals specifically w ith race cult ure, customs, and religions. -Mr. Ramm
MISSIONARY LEADERSHIP examines the practical problems of the mission field, such as missionaries' relationships to the government, the native church , etc., and seeks to solve the problems that hinder true missionary statesmanshi p . -Mr. Hillis
906-907 FIRST AID AND HOME NURSING prepare the student to meet modern emer gencies a n d to care for circumstances of accident and illness when a doctor is not immediately available. These courses are both given under the Red Cross, and a certificate is awarded for the completion of the work in Firs t Aid -Miss Gardn er
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those preparing for Christian service in the home h
fie ld . the General Course of- fers a well -balanced schedule in Bible and related s ubjects. The first year of this course is common to all courses. and students are clssified at the beginning of the s econd year. The work requires three years to complete and leads to a diploma. A minimum of 86 units is required for graduation. One unit is g iven each semester, except the first , fo r practical work. •
Units of
Units of
Course Number
Course Numbe r
First Year
2nd Semester
1st Semester
2 4 2 2 2
601 Pedagogy
l 02 Synthesis II
101 Synthesis
602- Bible
2 2 2 2
Manne rs &· Customs
30 l Apologetics I 902 MissionsII
603 Ch ild Study & Evang.
901 Missions
604 Methods of Chr. Ed.
Second Year
3rd Semester
103 Synthesis
201 Doctrine 502 -English 302 Apologetics II 507 Public Speaking I Elective
6th Semester
2 2 2 2 2 2
106 Analysis II 204 Doctrine IV 112 Typology
2 2 2 2 2 3
105 Analysis I 203- Doctrine III 1-07 Exposi tion I 303 Apologetics III 701 Church History I
304 Apologetics IV 108 Exposition II
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