
Rooms are furnished, heated, lighted, and supplied with running water, hot and cold. The Institute supplies linen and launders the same. Students take care of their own rooms.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION In order to maintain the best physical fitness for school work, each student should spend at least two hours per week in outdoor exercise. The California State Law exempts from compulsion students over 2.5 years of age and married students. All other students are required to comply with this health provision. RECREATIONAL FACILITIES The nearness of city playgrounds makes possible group sports out of doors, and the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. furnish opportunity for indoor exercise and organized games. A number of city parks have picnic equipment, and the beaches are within an hour's ride. The Student Body maintains a recreation room where ping-pong, shuffle-board, and table games are played. Recreation combined wiih education may be found in trips to places of interest in the Los Angeles area, such as Exposition Park Museum, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Griffith Observatory, Huntington Library, Mt. Wilson Observatory, the Palestine Ex­ hibit, and Southwest Museum.


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