
LANGUAGE 401-414 Reid McCullough-Department Head

401-402 NEW TESTAMENT GREEK (I, II ) introduces the s tud ent to the orig inal la n ­ guage of the New Testament by a basic study of Greek g ramma r, the ac­ quisition of a working vocabulary , and practice in reading easy port ions of the New Testament. -Dr. McCullough 403-406 GREEK EXEGESIS (I, II, III, IV) continues grammatical and s yntact ical study of New Testament Greek and s tudie s the translation and exeges is o f specific books. I. The Gospel of John II. The Epistles of John and the Re velation

III. Romans , I Corinthians and one selected Epistle IV. Gospel of Luke or Matthew and selected Epistl es

-Dr. McCu ll ou gh

407-410 HEBREW (I, II, II , IV) acquaints the student with the ori g inal language of the Old Testament. He brew grammar is followed by reading from the He b rew Bible parts of Genes is, Psalms , and the Prophets , and trans la tion in to He­ brew with special emphasis on idiom. - Dr. McCu // ou gh 411 -412 SPANISH (I, II) gives the s tudent a foundation in g rammar a nd pronun c i­ ation with special emphasi s on conversation and the prepara tion o f s imple messages in Spanis h. In s tru c tor to be announ ced 413-414 PHONETICS (I, II) deals with the science o f the articul a te sounds of human speech. The sounds of Englis h speech are analyzed , al so the sounds peculiar to mission fields . The student is taught how to class ify, reproduce, and prop­ erly record unfamiliar speech sounds. - Mr. Leal

HOMILETICS AND PUBLIC SPEAKING 501-514 W. Harll e e Borde aux-Department He ad


ENGLISH I (Etymolog y) prepares the s tuden t fo r the prese ntat ion of the Chris­ tian message by st udying words a s the vehi cle of e xpres s ion . The structu re and sources of ou r present s p eech , exac tness o f meani ng , and manne r of e xp ress ion are studied and a p pl ied to the C hri stian theme. -Miss Pe n tne y lay th e fou n dation for both oral a nd written e xpress ion by the study of compos i tion fo rms and the mechanics of writing . Express ion come s through s impler types of wr iting and organ ization a nd de li very of brie f devotiona l messages (II ), a nd th rough an increased scope of w r iting including the gos p el tra c t a n d the C hristian problem narra tive (III ). -Miss Pe n tne y

502-503 ENGLISH II , III (Composition)


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