
605-606 PRACTICE TEACHING (I, II) makes a practical application of the laws of pedagogy and the methods of teaching. Students teach lessons s uitable for children from the Cradle Roll through the Junior Department (I), and from the Junior High Department through the Senior Young People's Department (II). Constructive criticism is given in class. -Miss Warn e r, Mrs . Hooker


SUNDAY SCHOOL ORGANIZATION AND ADMWISTRATION deals wi th the organization and administration of the Sunday School and its various a c­ tivities, including the Junior Church and the week-day Bible Class. -Mrs. Hooke r

608-609 DEPARTMENTAL SPECIP.LIZATION (I, II) is a study of the organization of each department in the Sunday School from the Cradle Roll through the Junior Department (I) , and from the Junior High through the Young People's Department (II). Worship services, and both regular and special programs are worked out, and materials best suited for each department collected. -Miss Warner, Mrs. Hooke r


DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL AND HANDCRAFT gives instruction in the organization and administration of the Daily Vacation Bible School, and also in the planning of a daily program centered around a theme. Practical material is collected and instruction is given in correlated handwork. -Mrs. Hooke r CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP prepares the students to be leaders among young people in the church and its various activities, through an analysis of the qualifications of a Christian leader, the problems he must meet, and the fields of leadership. -Mrs. Hooker RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES prepares the Christian leader to meet the present-day demands for a well-rounded recreational program for the youth of the church. Hikes, picnics, parties, banquets, and Christian camps can do much to attract and hold young people for Christ and the Church. -Miss Warn e r



613-614 ADOLESCENCE (I, II) acquaints the potential leader with the nature and needs (I), and the problems and interests (II) of adolescent young people, with the underlying purpose of better understanding them and winning them to Christ. -Miss Warne r


PRACTICUM assigns to a Seminary Christian Education Senior the respon­ sibility of leadership in a Sunday School or Young People's Department in order that he may analyze the situation, classify the needs , formulate des ir- able aims, and solve problems. -Miss Wa rner CLUB LEADERSHIP surveys the field of young people's organizations and week-day clubs. Qualifications for and principles of leadership, organization, methods followed, value and adaptability of program, are considered. -Miss Warne r SEMINAR permits the Senior student to do individual research work in the particular field of his choice. Supervised reading and observation, and the writing of a thesis, are required. -Miss Warn e r


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