
HISTORY 701-704 W. Harllee Bordeaux-Department Head


CHURCH HISTORY I presents a brief survey of outstanding points in church history, intended to lamiliarize the student with the great epochs of church history and to lay the foundation for broader study of the subject. -Dr. Bordeaux

702-703 CHURCH HISTORY (II, III). for Seminary students, presents in greater de­ tail the history of the Christian Church from Pentecost until the great Protest­ ant Reformation (II), and from the Reformation to the present day (III ). -Dr. Bordeaux


ANCIENT HISTORY IN BIBLE LIGHT provides a b a ckground for and under­ standing of the Bible account by considering the parallel development of other nations which exerted an influence upon the Hebrew people. -Dr. Bordeaux

MUSIC 801-824 He rbert G. Tovey- Department Head

80 1-802 CONDUCTING AND CLASS VOICE (I, II) is a non-technical course especially desiqned to prepare the student for an approach to the music of the average church. The year's work includes elements of choir organization and con­ ducting, congregational song leading, and the understanding of the use of 1he voice in speech and song. -Dr. Tovey 803-806 MUSIC THEORY (I, II, III, IV) embraces the commonly -named music subjects such as: Solfeggio, Sight-Singing, Harmony, Form and Analysis, and begin­ ning Counterpoint. The complete course leads to advanced study in Counter­ point and Composition. -Mr. Heydenburk 807-809 CONDUCTING (I, II, III) presents a complete study of all the rhythms used in conducting music, and technique of conducting choirs and other choral groups. Crowd psychology is considered as it relates to group singing. -Dr. Tovey 810-813 CHOIR METHODS AND MATERIALS (I, II, III , IV) analyzes the organization and conduct of choirs and other choral groups of all sizes. The art of select­ ing and using the best and most useful material of sacred music, including a complete study of the Oratorio, is followed by individual experience in di­ recting, and research under supervis ion. -Mrs. Tovey

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