Missions 901-907 John A. Hubbard-Department Head
MISSIONS I (Survey) looks into the great miss ion fields of the world, and examines the past missionary work and the present need. -Mr. Hillis
MISSIONS II (Principles) searches out the actual methods of missionary work fo und in the Word and with this basis looks into the life of the presen t-day m issionary on the field. -Mr. Hillis
903-904 ANTHROPOLOGY (I, II), a specially designed course for missionary candi d ates, emphasizes the practical and utilitarian aspect of general anthropol- gy. Besides general anthropological background this couse deals specifically w ith race cult ure, customs, and religions. -Mr. Ramm
MISSIONARY LEADERSHIP examines the practical problems of the mission field, such as missionaries' relationships to the government, the native church , etc., and seeks to solve the problems that hinder true missionary statesmanshi p . -Mr. Hillis
906-907 FIRST AID AND HOME NURSING prepare the student to meet modern emer gencies a n d to care for circumstances of accident and illness when a doctor is not immediately available. These courses are both given under the Red Cross, and a certificate is awarded for the completion of the work in Firs t Aid -Miss Gardn er
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