BIBLE INSTITUTE MUSIC COURSE Music has a lways held a large place in the worship of the Christian Church. Today the program of gospel presentation gives varied opportunity for service through the avenue of music. The Music Course meets the need of the Christian who wishes to use his talent as a definite contribution to the Lord's work. The first year is the same as in other courses, lay ing a s trong founda tion of Bib le knowledge. The fu ll course requires three years to complete and leads to a diploma. A mini mum of 88 units is required for graduation. Four of these units are to be earned in private mus ic lessons during the second and third years. This study may be in voice or in ins trument, or one year of each** One unit is given each semester, except the first, for practical work . **SeePage 11 for full list of instruments taught.
Units of
Units of
Course Number
Course Number
First Year
(See General Course)
Second Year
4th Semester
3rd Semester
Synthesis JV
3 2 3
3 2 3
103 Synthesis III 20 1 Doctrine I 803 Music Theory I 807 Conducting I
202 Doctrine II
804 Music Theory JI 808 Conducting II
1 2 2
2 2
502 English
502 English
811 Choir Meth. & Mat. II
810 Choir Meth. & Mat.
Voice or Instrument
Voice or Instrument
Third Year
6th Semester
5th Semester
2 2 3 2 2
106 Analysis II 204 Doctrine IV
2 2 2 3 2
105 Analysis I 203 Doctrine III 107 Exposition I
806 Music Theory IV
815 Gospel Song Comp. II 813 Choir Meth. & Mat. IV
805 Music Theory III
812 Choir Meth. & Mat. III 814 Gospel Song Comp. I
Voice or Instrument
Senior Recital
Voice or Instrument
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