
SEMINARY THEOLOGY COURSE Prepared especially for young men who are looking forward to the gospel min­ istry, the Theology Course includes a study of the Bible itself, its original languages, Pastoral Theology, Homiletics, Apologetics, and other related subjects This is a four­ year course and leads to the degree of Bachelor of Theology. A minimum of 126 units is required for graduation. One unit each semester, ex- cept the first, is given for practical work.

Units of Credit

Units of Credit

Course Number

Course Number



First Year

(See General Course)

Second Year

3rd Semester

4th Semester

3 2 2

104 Synthesis IV

103 Synthesis III 285 Sys. Theology 302 Apologetics II 401 N. T. Greek I

3 2

206 Sys. Theology II 402 N. T. Greek II 111 Dispensations 512 Homiletics IV




2 2

504 Eng. IV or Elective

2 2


511 Homiletics III

Third Year

5th Semester

6th Semester

2 2 2 2

106 Analysis II

2 2 2 2

105 Analysis I

208 Sys. Theology IV 404 Greek Exegesis II 304 Apologetics IV

207 Sys Theology III 303 Apologetics III 403 Greek Exegesis I

3 2 2

408 Hebrew II

407 Hebrew I



212 Pas toral Theology II

211 Pastoral Theology I

514 Homiletics VI

513 Homiletics V


Fourth Year

7th Semester

8th Semester

703 Church History III 210 Sys. Theology VI 306 Apologetics VI 406 Greek Exegesis IV

3 2 2 2 2 2 2

702 Church History II 209 Sys. Th eology V 305 Apologetics V 405 Greek Exegesis III

3 2 2 2 2 2 2

409 Hebrew III 109 Exposition III

410 Hebrew IV 110 Exposition IV


El ective

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