SEMINARY CHRISTIAN EDUCATION-MISSIONARY COURSE This course is planned especially to meet the needs of young women who are definitely looking forward to foreign missionary work. It parallels very close ly the regular course in Christian Education, with the exception that certain subjects, deal ing specifically with the problems and program of educational work on the foreign field, are included. The course requires four years to complete, and leads to the degree of Bachelor of Christian Education.
Course Number
Units of
Units of
Course Numb e r-
Credi t
Credi t
Sub ject
First Year
(See General Course)
Second Year
3rd Semester
4th Semester
103 Synthes is III
104 Synthesis IV
3 2 4 2 2
3 2 4 2 2 2
205 Sys. Theology I
Sys Theol. II
302 Apologetics II 605 Practice Teach.
610 D.V.B.S.
606 Practice Teach. II
504 English IV
S. S. Org
Third Year
5th Semester
6th Semester
2 2 2 2 2
105 Analysis I
2 2 2 2
106 Analysis II
207 Sys. Theology III
208 Sys. Theology IV
903 Anthropology I 508 Public Speaking II
904 Anthropology II 309 Non-Christian Rel. 609 Dept. Spec. II 304 Apologetics IV
2 2 3
608 Dept. Spec. I
Miss'y Leadership
613 Adolescence I
Fourth Year
7th Semester
8th Semester
3 ✓
702 Church History II 61l Christian Leadersh ip
703 Church History III
3 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 2 2 2
617 Seminar
413 Phonetics I
414 Phonetics II
310 Cults
616 Club Leadership 110 Exposition IV
109 Exposition III 614 Adolescence II
308 Christian Psychology
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