
SEMINARY MUSIC COURSE The Seminary Music Course is designed to train the Christian mus ic ian to be able to organize and direct music as one of the p resen t-day agencies of the church's ministry, as well as to deve lop his ta lent as a vehicle of the Christian message. Requirements for graduation include 128 lessons in a selected music major, and 64 lessons in a selected minor. These may be in vo ice or any instrument, or in theory, but some knowledge of piano is necessary. If c redit is given for previous work, one­ half of the required lessons must be take n in res idence . A minimum of 126 units is required for g raduation, of which one unit each semes­ ter, except the first, is given for pract ical work. The full course req ui res fo u r years, and leads to the degree of Bachelor of Sacred Mus ic.

Uni ts of Cred it

Units of Cre di t

Course Numbe r

Course Number


Subj ect

First Year

(See Ge n eral Course)

Second Yea r

4th Semes ter

3r d Semester

3 2 3

3 2 3

104 Synthesis IV

103 Synthesis III

205 Sys. Theology II 804 Music Theory II 808 Conducting II 817 Hymnology II

205 Sys. Theology I 803 Music Theory I 807 Conducting I 816 Hymnology I 810 Choir Meth . & Mat.



811 Choir Meth. & Mat. II

2 2

2 2



Music Major

Music Major


Third Year

5th Semes ter

6th Semester

2 2 3 2 2

2 2 3

106 Analysis II

105 Analysis I

208 Sys Theology IV 806 Music Theory IV

207 Sys. Theology Ill 805 Music Theory Ill 809 Conducting III

815 Gospel Song Comp. II 813 Choir Meth. & Mat. IV


812 Gospel Song Comp. I 814 Choir Meth . & Mat. III


Music Major Music .Minor



Music Major Music Minor






Fourth Year

7th Sem ester

8th Semes ter

2 3 3 2 2 2

2 3 3 2 2

109 Exposition Ill 816 Counterpoint I 820 Composition I 822 Orchestration I 824 Sr. Sem. & Thesis

110 Exposition IV 819 Counterpoint II 821 Composition II 823 Orchestration II

Music Major Music Minor Senior Recital

Music Major Music Minor



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