
Student Life


The Associated Student Body, of which all students are automatically members, exists for a threefold purpose: to foster the spirit of fellowship, to promote the interests and welfare of the students, and to direct student affairs. The Praise and Stewardship Hour, ·a monthly feature of the A.S.B. is held at the regular Assembly period, at which time the students present an offering. This united stewardship results in the support of the gospel tract ministry, the sending of the Gospel of John to college students, and a special project for each year. Planning student body outings is a part of the work of the A.S.B. Typical examples of sponsored events are the semi-annual picnics and the annual Mount Baldy snow party. Also along the line of recreation, the Student Body sponsors a men's basketball team. Mos t of the games are played at the downtown Y.M.C.A., and furnish not only physical exercise and relaxation, but also an opportunity for the highest type of clean sportsmanship. The Biola Rally and Open House, held annually as a means of acquainting the friends of Biola with the details of the life of the school, is a Student Body project. At this time, all departments of the school are open for visitors, and the evening is given over to an all-student program for the friends' enjoyment. While students enter Biola with a serious purpose in view, they are none the less keenly interested in the activities of school life, which serve to counterbalance a pro­ gram of work and study, making it both enjoyable and wholesome for the all-round development of the individual. As a means of testimony as well as uniting the student body, the students edit and publish a semi-monthly newspaper, the BIOLA CHIMES, and a school yearbook , the BIOLAN. Both publications serve to picture school life; to interest young people in Biola; and to bring enjoyment to present and former students. STUDENT MISSIONARY UNION Undoubtedly the point of highest interest in the week for many a Bible Institute student is the regular Wednesday evening meeting of the Student Missionary Union , an organization which stimulates interest in the many fields of home and foreign mis­ sions. The primary purpose of the organization is that, through a knowledge of the world's need, the challenge of the Great Commission, and definite prayer, each student may respond with a willingness to serve the Lord as He directs, in some part of His harvest field which is the whole world. The meetings of the Union are open to the en tire student body, and hearts are deeply stirred as returned missionaries and missionary candidates vivid ly portray conditions in many regions where millions have never yet heard the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the victories that follow the telling of the gospel story. Immediately following the message, the students meet in groups, according to the ir interest in different fields, to pray for the lost of the world and to uphold the mis­ sionaries who are laboring on the field. Frequent reports by letters and missionary publications enable the students to pray effectively. To many the prayer bands have been a source of blessing, as well as a means that God has used to reveal His will. In May, 1942, the Student Missionary Union became an active chapter of the Student Foreign Missions Fellowship, a national organization of students who are looking forward to foreign missionary service. The purpose of the F.M.F. is to stir the student world, and through it the Church, to meet the urgent need of mak ing Christ known in all the world in our generation.

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