



Biola Hall Our City Miss ion at 421 South Main Street is acllllirably located for the work which is being conducted there. Thou­ sand s of lll en pass its door s, clay and ni ght. T he Hall is light, cheery, ancl well equipped fo r definite, personal, eva nge li stic work. Meet ings are held in the entrance of th e hall , whi ch is so a rranged that at least fift y !llen can ga ther frolll the st reet, without in terferring with the traffi c and on our own pre!llises. An audience can he secured in fi ve min- ' utes at any tillle of the clay or night'. thus providing the best place fo r personal work we have ever had. N umbers of men are brought to Chri st each clay. Tn connec ti on with th is work, a noon-day prayer meeting is held, and a Men's Bibl e Class on Sunday afternoon. The hundreds of young lll en who are coming to the city afford us an unu sual opportuni ty of reaching them at t he cru­ cial t illl e. This is a real training school fo r the practical work of lea rning how to preach by preaching.

The Fishermen's Club (See Page 57)

On Monday eYening, April 16, 1906, a little group of se \·enteen young men ga thered toge ther to study the Bible, and to engage in per sonal work. U nd er the leadership of Rev. T. C. .l lorton a systemati c and inspira ti ona l study of the Bible was begun . A few month s passed and the class g rew in nulllbers, until in the summer of 1906 it was organi zed under the name of the "Fi sherlll en·s Club." (See Matthew -1- :19) and now has an attendance o f between two and three hundred. There has been stri ct adherence to the pri nciple o f striYing for a single object, viz., t he study of God's \Vorel , and the doing of active, aggres- s ive personal work fo r the T ,ore! Jesus Chri st. , In these eighteen yea rs. more than one hundred men have gone out from the Club into defi nite Chri stian work, some as mi ss ionar ies in foreign fi elds, under the va riou s evangelical denominat ions,-one a medical mi ss ionary. They are fo und in China, Japan , Siam, Africa and Central and South America, as well as in many f ield s in our own land.

Eighty -three

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