



The Lyceum Club ( See Page 58)

This uniqu e organi zat ion, founded by Mrs. Anna L. Hor­ ton, still proves its need of living and the power of its well-lived lif e. Its purpose is not to afford amusement to g irls, but to help them mature into a well-rounded Christian young woman­ hood . Nevertheless the social hour and the hour fo llowing the lesson, affords them the fellowship that all young people need . The several hundred office and store g irl s who conside~ themselves member s are represented each Tuesday ni ght by a good ly number at the supper tabl e and in the Bibl e Cla ss which follows. l\Iany a homesick, motherless g irl has been brought in by friends and saved much by the hea rty fell owshi p, wise coun­ sel and friendsh ip wh ich she has found in the Club. Some good Chri stian women, who are always in attendance, are of untold help to these girl s. There are prayer circles whi ch are pl edged to dail y prayer and commi tment of Scriptures. S ick-beds and so rrowing mem­ bers a re not forgotten, as the many messages and visits prove . Absentees are kept in constant touch with the Club by a com­ mittee which looks af ter such cor respondence, and the cheery Chri st ian letters are a help and bless ing. · The Club has many representatives in the foreign and home field s, and each year there are many from the Club to take up the regul ar Course of study in the Institute to prepare them for such work. Student Missionary Union The obj ect of thi s organi zati on of the stud ent body is to st imulate and foster interest in the evangeli zation of the needy places of the world, both in the "Home" and "Foreign" field s. The U ni on under its own officers and committees, meet s once a week. A la rge part of the t ime is spent in definite praye r for the definite needs of mi ss iona ri es on the fi eld, and conditi ons in the fi eld . L etters from former students have a prominent place at this meet ing, and there is usuall y an add ress fr om :i returned missionary, whi ch keeps the student s in close touch with all parts of the world.

Eighty -four

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