



The King's Business This magaz ine isi th e official organ of the Institute. It is issued monthl y, and has lately been enlarged and improved . hav ing add ed to its li st o f contri butors a number of the best known write rs in thi s a nd other countries . Its ed itoria ls a re a lways frank, fear less and timel y . It, contributed art icles cover a wide range of subj ects and rmg true to the fundamental s of our faith . A special feat ure of the magaz ine is its Sund ay School Depar tment , conta ;ning helps fo r teache rs fo r both the regular Internati onal ser;es and the \Vhole B ibl e Sunday School Les­ son Course (as arranged by the \\ 'or iel's F undamental Associa ­ tion ) . O th er helpful depa r tment s of the magazi ne a re the Young P eople 's Depa r tment , with suggest ions in conn ection with th~ weekly E ndeavor topics; the Daily Devoti onal Readings and Prayer Suggestions; the Child ren' s Page; inte resting stories from the evangeht ic workers of t he Institute, includ ing the work of th e H una n Bible Institute ( in China ) ; Current Com­ ment a nd many other feature s of interest to the Lord' s people. Students des iring to ea rn money with whi ch to meet part of their expenses while at the Inst itute may do so by taking subsc ripti ons for The K ing 's Busi ness. Full parti cu la rs of the pla n may be obta ined by address ing the Circu lati on Department of the King's Busi ness, j36-jj8 S. H ope St reet, Los A ngeles. Californi a . SuBSCRJPT JOX RATES: Domest ic. $1.2j a year; Foreign, ( including Canada) $ 1. j0; or seYen shill ings, Engl ish. The King's Business Sunday School Quarterly Thi s is the Sunda v School lesson ma teria l descr ibed in the above paragraph, ;ssue~I in sepa rate form fo r convenient u se in the Sunday School. SJNGLE SuBSCRJPTJOX 7j cents a , ·ea r; ten or more to one add ress each 60 cents a yea r ; f oreign- acid lj cents each sub­ scripti on fo r postage.


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