



The Finances of the Institute

It has alway s been the pract ice of the Institute to make nu charge fo r tui t ion. From certain investments there is a limited income for the ca rryi ng on of the work of the In st itute, but ir: adcl it; on to thi s there is needed an nuall y $100.000 for the main­ tenance of the work. Th is need is met each year by voluntary contr ibuti ons, and those \\·ho belie,·e in the teachings fo r which the B ible Inst itute stancls. ancl the wo rk wh ich it is cl oing in t raining men and women for Chri st ian usef ulness. ancl ;n actually winning men to Chr ist whi le they are being· thu s tra inee!. are earn es tl y requested to help in the financial needs of the Inst itute. 1. By a contributi on to current expense . E ither large or small amou nt s will be g ratefu ll y received, ancl wi ll ass ist mater­ ia lly in th e work. 2. By assuming the expense of train;ng a student fo r one year. T hi s mean s cl onating to the Institute, not the cost of hi s room and boa rcl ,- but the pro rata cost o f hi s instructi on, i.e. , $ 175. 3. By founding a permanent fun d for the training of a student, ( as in pa ragraph 2) whi ch fund may bear the name of the cl onor, if so desirecl. -1-. By endowing a Scholarship, the income from wh;ch will meet the expense of a student for room a nd board. See page 89. 5. By inves ting in th e Institute on the Annui ty Plan. See page 90. · 6. By remember ing "Bibl e Institute of Los Angeles ' ' in a last will and testament. See page 92. Every cont ribu tor of $10 .00 or more a nnuall y to the Insti ­ tute, wi ll receive The K ing's Business free.

Ei ghty -eight

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