

The Annuity Plan Annuity bond s are a form of inves tment rapidly nsmg in f<1vor. They are highl y commended by financial advisors, and issued as among their desirable proposit ions by the leadi ng msurance companies. An annuity bond is a guarantee to the annuitant of a fixed income, proportioned to the amount of the bond and the expec­ ta ti on, or probable remainder of lif e at the time of purcha se. ancl nries fr om --1-/' to l Ol);, or more according to age.

Advantages of Our Annuities

The i1westmen t is beyond the ri sk o f speculati on and the viciss itudes of trad e and commerce. The income is not subject to fluctuat; on, or poss ibly, an ni ­ hilati on. The inves tment is perman ent, a nd past the worry ancl hazard o f re-i1westment, with incid ental loss of inte rest. The fond will ultimately pass into the Lord ' s treasury, a nd be used to promote the sp read of the Gospel "ti ll He come." The legacy will be the gift of a li1• in g rathe r than a dead hand. There will be no costs for Higation, or admini stration , and no a li enation of the gift from the intenti on of the g iver. The percen tage of annuiti es , with persons past middl e life, conside rabl y exceed ordinary rates of interest or di v idends . Full particulars upon appli ca ti on to the Super;ntendent.


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