




.............. 10 ... ....59 .... ..... ....90 .....92 7 .. 56 .68

.-\dvantages a nd Privilrgcs .. Alumn i Assoc iati on, Th e Annuity Plan , Th e.. Bequest. Lega l F o rm o f. . Calendar Class ificat ion of Students Corres pondence Schoo l. Th e.. Co ur se of St udy-

..... ....... .. 26 .. ..... ... .26 .......... 26 ..25 .37 .. 2-l ...33 .. 26 ..................27

Bible Ana lys is Bible Cri t icism Bible Int roduction Bibl e Chapter S ummar, Bibl e La1,d s an d Manner s and Cus toms.. Bible Synth es is Bibl e T eachers· Tra inin g Class Chri s tian Evidences Chur ch 11 isto ry Doctrinal St udy of the Bil:i le Evange li sm Hi s tory and P hil osophy o f th e Chri stian Religi on

..21 ..32 ..27 ..... .. .....31 . ...... .. ........36 ........38 .... .37 ········32 ....4-l ············· ..........33 .. ..... .........30 .. ......... 27 .... .41 ·········38 .. ..... ........ ..35 ............33

H omil et ics 1tJi ss ions . ~J usic New Testament Greek Pastoral Theo logy

.............................. .....

Pas tors, Th ree Y ca r Course fo r Pedagogy Per so nal \Yo rk P hil osophy of the Chri st ian Re li gion .. Practical 'No rk Preacher a nd His Duties , The..... . Prophecy .. ..... ......... .. P sychology a nd Sociology ..


Public Speaking and the Reading of the Sc riptures ... .. .. .. .


R eligiou s Educat ion ..... S tudy of E nglis h, Th e..

.. ....37


S unday School Organizati on and Method s..

Use of the Blackboa rd, The..


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