




Co ur ses o f S tudy by Semes te r s ~[i ss ion Co ur se ..

················· ··.48

.... .... 48 ....... .47

i\I us ic Course .................. ............... .

Regula r Com se

................. .. ....... .

..... .49 .....50

R eli g io us E du ca ti on T hree Ycar Co ur se


Cr ed its .............. .


Denominat iona l a nd Doctr ina l Pos it ion ....

D evot iona l L i fe .

.. 12 .. 59

D ipl omas


E mploymen t an d F inancia l A id E ntr a nce Req uir emen ts ..... .


Evange list ic Depa r tment B ibl e \ Vomcn, T he....................................... .

................... ... ..... .... .7-l

.... .78 ......83

B ibl e In st it ute in Huna n

B io la H a ll

.. 75 ..83

The E uodi a Cl ub

F ishe rmen 's Cl ub, T he ..

.... .75

J ewi sh W o rk


Lyce um Club, T he.. Seamen's \ Vo r k ..... .



Sho p a nd Factor y Meet ings S pani sh W ork, T he ....... .



Evening Schoo l ......................................................... .

Expense of R oom a nd Boa rd .... f,'in a nces o f t he In st itu te, T he.




..................... .

Fo r Whom I n te nded ...

············· 13

......5-l ..... 52

Hosp ita l and

ur scs' l'und

In fo rmat ion fo r In te nd in g Students ....

Lega l F o rm of Bequest.. .. Lett e r s of Recommendat ion ... . Obj ect of the In stitute, The ....... . Room a nd Boa rd, Expense of

··········92 ···········59

········ 15

.......... ............. .......

······5-1 .....89

Scho la r ship , Lega l Fo rm of F ounding a ... .

... 17

Statement of Fa ith............ .

..... ................. ...... . ...8 5

St uden t ~I iss ionar y U ni on .............. ...

..... .. ........87

T he King's Bus iness..

......... .. ..... .............. .

..... .44

Three Yca r Co ur se fo r P as to r s................................. .. .

... 5-l ... 56

Tuiti on Fees

....... ....... ... ....

Vacati ons

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