



Advantages and Privileges

1. The f irst advantage of the Institute is found in its corps of teache rs. men and women who have been speciali sts fo r ma ny years in the study of the one Book, the Bible, and who have had many yea rs' experi ence in teaching that Book, some of them not onl y in Ame ri ca, but in fore ign lands. Those now teach;ng at the Bibl e In st itute of Los Angeles have a s­ sisted in framing the course of stud y in other B ible Institutes. now in successfu l operat ion. before coming to Los Angeles. These t eacher s are so well known to Chri sti a ns in all land s that there is no need to dwell here upon t heir qual ifica tions for the work. 2. T he second ach·antage of the B; bl e In st itute of Los Angeles is fo und in its locati on . There is probably no monc hea lth ful cli mate in all the wor ld than that of thi s city. The student here is free from al\ the phys ical strain that one is necessa ril y under, either in summer or winter , in most largr cit ies in other sect ions o f the U nited Sta tes. Many coming t o Los Angeles in run-cl own phys ical cond it ion. soon · rega;n abounding health. But thi s is not t he onl y advantage in the locati on of t he Bible Institute in thi s city. It is dou btful ii there is any other city on the globe where there is at the present t ime so g reat a need on the one hand , and on the other so great an opportun;ty and promise, for sound a nd soli d Bible work and aggressive Chri sti an effort. No one who has not li ved in Los Angeles and studied the city and its inhabitants, its loca­ tion, resources a nd growth , has a ny concept ion of its present g reatness, and much less of its future poss ibili t ies. It has not only the matchl ess climate to wh: ch reference has already been made, but also its marvelously fertile so il , its ri ch mi nes, its cheap fu el, and a citi zenship of rare qual ity. In additi on to this, the opening of the Panama Canal , and the prox imity of the Cali fo rnia Coast to the O r; ent, a ll mark T-os Angeles as a city of clest;ny . Kot onl y does l"os Angeles already dominate the Paci fic Coast. but its influence upon Japan, China a nd Korea, is immeasurabl e fo r good or ev il. T hi s is the critical hour, and those who believe in the B ible a nd its matchless power to influence, not only individual s, but also society as a whole, a nd the commercial 1i fe of nati ons as well as their re­ lig ious li fe , should seize the p resent oppo rtun ity at any cost.


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