




5. A further ad vantage is found in the opportunity for recreati on. A ll the ocean beaches are access ible by street car lines. Some of them can be reached in half an hour and others of them in an hour. I\ I t . Lowe and M t. \ i\f il son can be reached by troll ey . The stud ent s on the ir rest cl ays take many outings together , and pa r ti es need ing res t !?;O to the seashore or moun­ tain reso rts. Devotional Life "That was a great lack in my school li fe," said one who is g rowing old in Chri sti an service, when the devotional life of the Inst itute was unde r di scuss ion. It was a joy to be a ble to g ive the assurance of ample a ttent ion to it here. It begins wi th the awaken;ng of the cl ay . One hour is all owed between the r ising bell and the break fas t bell fo r dre ·sing and the qui et hour per iod- an opportun ity to look to God before looking upon men. Du r ing the superin tendents' half hour immedia tely fo ll owing the morn ing meal , the men and women gather too·ether in th e two rooms respecti vely ass igned fo r morning devot ion, fo r a season of praye r and devoti onal study of t he \Vo rel . The superintendent s, pres ide at thi s sess inn bring ing whateve1- message fo r the clay that God may have g iven them. The stud ent s assemble aga in at the close of the evening meal, fo r a season of .praye r a nd tes timony . The student s themselves haYe cha rge of thi s se rvice, being ass igned in turn by t he superin tendents. Another da il y feature of g reat helpfulness is the corridor praye r mee ting. T he student s on each co rrido r ga ther in a student's room a t whatever hour is mos t convenient to d iscuss their perpl exing personal problems a ncl to present them to God fo r solu t ion. It is here that def initeness in praye r is learned, as perhaps at no other ga th ering .


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