



gelists, superintend ents of Chri st ian inst ituti ons, Sunday School workers, assistant pastors, church v isito rs, Young Men ·s Chri stian Assoc iati on secretaries, Young \ .Vomen' s Chri st ian Association secretaries, city mission workers, rescue mi ssion wod,ers. 6. Men and women who do not intend to g ive their whole t ime to definite forms of Ch ri st ian service, but who desire a larger knowledge of the Bible and pract;cal methods of work , in ord er that they may be more usefu l in their home churches. Large numbers of men and women have gone through the Bi ble Institute wi th no intenti on of g iYing their entire life to def inite Chri stian work. :\"ot a few of these afterwards have gone into the pastorate and other fo rms of Chri st ian work, but many of them have gone back to t heir churches to be a help to their pastor and to the Chri st ian life of the community. 7. 1'1:en already in the mini st ry who fee l the need of a more thorough, accurate and practical knowledge of the B ible. An eve r increas ing number of men who have had successfu l exper ience in the ministry are coming to the Bible Institute to take advantage of its faci li ties fo r equipment fo r increas ing use fulness.


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