



The Object of the Institute The Institute aims, in its training of all classes for whom it ;s intended, to send out men and women having at least these seven characteri st ics: 1. Genuine and thorough consec ration. 2. Intense love for soul s. 3. A deep and comprehensi,-e knowledge of the \Vorel of Goel, and especially of how to use it in leading men to Chri st . ..J.. \\.illingness to enclme hardness as good soldi ers of Jesus Chri st. J . Unti ring energy. 6 . \\.e ll balanced common sense, especially along religious Fnes. 7. E ncluernent with power by the fi lling with the Holy Spirit. Great emphasis is laid upon the development of the spir itual life of the stud ent. If any student should go from the school without a more intimate, personal acquai nta nce wit h J est1 s Chri st, or without mo re of the power of the Holy Sp irit in hi s li fe a nd work, the In st itute wou ld have fai led in hi s case at the vita l poi nt. The study of mu sic is made a prominent f eature of the Institute trai ning, so that men and women may be prepared to teach mu sic and lead choirs . a nd ass ist otherwise in thi s important depa r tment of Chri stian work. ·while the Institute mu sic course prepares students for the work of the singing evangeli st, it is not intended for any one who simply wishes ed ucat ion in mu s;c _ The mu sic work of the Inst itute is always made subordinate to the study of the Bible, and mu sic is taught onl y as a means of qua li fying one for more effecti ve soul-win- . . nmg serv ice . A ll lectures and classes are free to registered students of every creed and denom ination. There is a nom inal registrati on fee of $2 .00 a semester , payable in advance. ( See page 54.) Persons not regu larly enroll ed as students, who wish to ga in a better knowledge of the Bibl e and acquire proficiency in Chri stian work, are welcome to many of the classes.

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