



The Denominational and Doctrinal Position of the Bible Institute

T he Bible Institu te does not antagonize any evangelical denominati on, but seeks to cooperate with them all. It has no purpose or thought of fo rm ing a new denomination. T he Institute recognizes and r ejo;ces in the g reat good that is being accomplished by t he churches of the different denominat ions, and seeks to help them to do even more eff ici ent work. It desires and cultivates the fe ll owship and co-operati on of all the evangeli cal denominati ons and of indi vidual believers in all the churches . ·whi le there is a church worshipping on t he Lord' s Day in the Auditori um of the Bible I nstitute, that church is an entirely sepa rate organiza ti on, and t he Inst itute does not requi re nor expect that students coming to the Inst i­ tute will become members of that church. The church is open to those who des ire to become members of it, but -it is expec t ed that th e students of the Bible !11stitut e will be loyal lo the de­ no1ni11at io11 lo which the)' belong . The directors and teachers of the Institute a re chosen without regard to their denomina­ tional affi li ation, and have a lways r ep resented a number of different denominat ions. Among those r epresented on the Faculty and Boa rd of Directors of the Bible In stitu te of the present or the past , may be menti oned members of the fo ll owing denominati ons : Methodi st Episcopa l, P resbyterian, U nited Presbyterian, Congregat; ona l, Lutheran, Bapti st , Ep iscopal, Chri st ian, U ni ted Evangelical. However, the Institute does stand fo r a definite doctrina l statement o f faith, and all its teachers and d irectors, regard less of denominational affi liati on, are required once a yea r to sign the Statement of Faith. ( See next page .) A ll moneys contributed to the Institute wdl be held inviol­ able for the teaching of these truths. Fa;lure to insist upon the promu lgat ion of these truths, or the permi ss ion of t eaching contrary to this statement o f belief, would constitute g round fo r suit for the reversion of the money contributed to the or iginal donors or heirs. The Statement of Faith is as fo ll ows :


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