



Statement of Faith I.

The Bible, consisti ng of all the books of the Old and New Testaments, is the \ i\Torcl of Goel, a supernaturall y g iven revela­ t ion from God H imself, concerning Himself, His being, nature. character, will and purposes; and concerning man. hi s na ture, need, duty and dest;ny. The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments a re without error or mi sstatement in their moral and spi ritual teachings and record of hi stor ical facts. They a re without error or defect of any kind . II. There is one Goel, eternall y exist ing and manifesting H im­ self to us in three Persons- Father , Son and Holy Sp ir it . III. The Lord Jesus was supernaturall y conceived by the power of the Holy Spiri t and born of a virg in- Mary, a lineal de­ scendant of David. He li ved and taught and wrought m;ghty works and wonders and signs, exactly as is recorded in the four gospels. He was put to death by cru cifixion under Pontiu s Pilate. Goel ra ised from the dead the body that had been na iled to the cross. The Lord Jesus after His cruci fi x ion showed H imself ali ve to His d isciples, appea r ing unto them by the space of forty clays. A f te r this the Lord J esus ascended into Heaven, and the Father caused H im to sit at His right hand in the heavenl y places, far above all rul e and authority and power and domini on and eve ry name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that wh;ch is to come, and put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him to be Head over all thi ngs to the Church. IV. The Lord Jesu s, before His incarnation, existed in the form of Goel, and of H is o,ivn choice la id aside His divine glory and took upon H imself the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men. In His pre-existent state, He was with Goel and was Goel . He is a di vi ne person, possessed of a ll the attributes of Deity, and shoul d be wor hi pped as


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