

God by angels and men. "In Him clwell eth all the fullness of the godh ead bodil y." All the word s that H e spoke clur;ng Hi s earthl y lif e were the word s of Goel. There is absolutely no er ro r of any kind in them, and by the word s of J esus Chri st the word s of all other teachers mu st be tested . V. The Lord J esus became in eve ry respec t a real ma n, pos­ sessed of a ll the essenti a l characte ri sti cs of human na ture. VI. By Hi s death upon th e cross . the Lord J esus made a per ­ fect atonement fo r sin, by whi ch the wrath of Goel aga111 st sinne rs is appea sed, a nd a g round furni shed upon whi ch Goel can dea l in me rcv wi th s inne rs. H e redeemed us from the curse of th e law hy becoming a curse in our place. H e \ Vho Himsel f was absoluielv without sin , was macle to be sin on our behalf , tha t we mi ght become the ri ghteousness of Goel in Him. The L ord J esus is coming again to thi s earth , per sonall y, bod­ il y. and v isibly. The return of our Lord is the bl essed hope of the beli eve r , and in it God 's purposes of g race toward mankind will find thei r consummati on. VII. T he H oly Spirit is a person a nd is possessed of all the di st incti ve ly di vine att ributes. H e is Goel . VIII. l\fan was c reated in the image of Goel, af ter Hi s likeness . but the whole human race fe ll in the fa ll of the fo·st Adam. A ll men, until they accept the L01;cl J esus a s their personal Sav iour , a re los t, darkened in their und ersta nding, a li enated from the lif e of Goel th rough the igno1·ance tha t is in them. ha rdened in hear t, mora lly and spiritua ll y dead t hrough their t respasses a nd sins . They cannot see, nor ente r th e K ingdom of Goel until they are born aga in of the H oly Spirit . IX. Men are ju stifi ed on the simple a nd single g round of the shed bl ood of Chri st , a nd upon the simple and si ngle cond it ion


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