




of fait h in H im \ i\Tho shed the blood, and a re born aga in by the quickening, renewing, cleansi ng work of the Holy Spirit through the in st rumentality of the \!Vorel of God . X. A ll those who r eceive Jesus Chri st as their Sav iour and thei r Lo rd, and who confess H im as such before the ir fellow­ men, become children of Goel, and receive eternal li fe . T hey become heirs of Goel and joint-heirs with Jesus Chri st. At cle"a th thei r spiri ts depart to be with Ch ri st in conscious blessec\ ­ ri ess, and a t the second coming of Chri st , their bodies shall be rai sed and tra nsformed in to the likeness of the body of His g lory. XI. A ll t hose who persistently r eject Jesus Chri st in the pres­ ent lif e shall be raised from the c\ eacl , and t hroughout eternity ex ist in a state of conscious, unutterable, endless torment and angui sh. XII . The Church consists of all those who, in thi s present dis­ pensati on, t rul y beli eve on Jesus Chri st. It is the body and brid e of Chri st , whi ch Chri st loves, and fo r whi ch He has given H imself up. XIII. There is a pe rsonal devi l, a be ing of g reat cunning and power, "The pr ince of the power of the air," "The prince of th is world," "The god of thi s age ." He can exert hi s vast power only so far as Goel suffers him to do so . He shall ulti ­ mately be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, and shall be tormented clay and night fo rever.


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