



II. Bible Synthesis

The Sy1 1thet ic method of Bible study aims to provide the stud ent with the following: First: A comprehensive g ra sp of the general contents of the entire Bible so that the mai n featur es of its revelation may be seen and ucclerstoocl. Second : A bringing together and summing up of the general contents so that the mutual r elat ionshi ps and harmony of the component parts are recognized . Third: A recogniti on of the prog ressive cha racte r and development of the divine revelation as set forth in the Scr ip­ tures. Fourth: A knowledge of the clispensational teaching of the Word of Goel . The Synthetic method pursued by the class in thi s study is the reading beforehand of an appointed number of chapters in a book of the Bible; indeed, at times, a whole book is read at one s1ttmo-. The main secti ons of the book are then taken up · and cons idered , a nd final ly the teaching of the book is presented in un ified fo rm. FmsT YEAR First Semester- General view of the Bible as a whole and of the Ole! Testament in particular, the Pentateuch, the Histo r ical Books. Second Semester-The Poet ical a nd Prophetical Books.

SECO!\D y EAR First Semester- General view of the New Testament - the Gospels and Acts of the Apost les, the Pauline Epist les. Second Semester-The Pauli ne Epistles, completed; the General Ep istles and Revelation.


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