



III. Bible Chapter Summary This method of study ;s probably more wide ly followed today than any other. ::\lany thousands of persons throughout the world a re studying the Bible in th is way. Several questions are asked upon each chapter. The four pr inc ipal po ints brought out in connection with each chapte r a re: The Prin­ cipal Sub ject of the chapter, the Leadi ng Lesson of the chap­ ter, the Best Yerse in the chapter, and the P rominent Persons in the chapter. The student studi es the assigned chapters, reco rd;ng hi s work in a specially ruled note-book, and is ca ll ed upon in the class to report what he has found in the chapters. Difficu lt ies and quest ions a re delt with as t hey come up. FIRST YEAR First Semester- Genes is, Exodus, Lev iticus, Num­ bers, Deuteronomy, Joshua. Second Semester- J udges, Ruth, First Samuel, Sec­ ond Samuel. F irst J(ings, econd Kings, Oba­ cFah, Joel, Jonah, Amos, Hosea, I sa iah. SU'llMER S T UDY During the summer vaca tion students study the Book of Psalms, and hand in their wo rk at the openi ng of the Fall Semester. SECOND YEAR First Semester- M icah, Nahum, Zephaniah , Jere­ mi ah, Lamentations, Habakkuk, Dani el, Eze­ kiel, Ezra 1-6, Haggai, Zechari ah, Esther, Ezra 7-10, Nehemiah , Malachi. Second Semes ter- Matthew, Mark, Luke, J ohn , Acts , James, Fi rst Thessaloni an. , Second Thessa­ lon;ans, F irst Cori nth ian s, Second Cor inthians, Galatians, Romans, Coloss ians, P hili ppians, Titu s, F irst T imothy, Second Timothy, H e­ brews, First Peter, Second Peter , Jude, Fi rst J ohn, Second J ohn, Th ird J ohn.

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