




IV. Bible Analysis T he method pursued consists of a t horough book study of selected books in the B ible. comp ri si ng ( l ) Int roductory work on t he book. (2) A rig id a nd thorough ana lys is of each verse in each chapter , t he student in h is ana lys is being required, as fa r as poss;ble. to ;; tate in the mos t bri ef a nd exact fo rm pos­ sible, eYe ryt hi ng that is in the Ye rse and onl y what is in the ve r se. Eve rything t hat is in the ve rse i11 the 111ost conrisc forlll. (3) \ Vhen eve ry ve rse has been caref ul ly a nd thoroughly a nalyzed, t he teachings of t he book as a whole a re class ifi ed. T hi method of stuch· fo rms one o[ the mose effect iYe method~ of tra ining the Ya r; ~us intell ectua l faculti es and the power of express ion. On ly selec ted books a re studi ed in thi s way, but such books a re chosen as seem most essent ial fo r the student to unde rstand . V. Biblical Introduction. In thi s course the simplest facts about the Bible as a book a re taken up: T he mean ing of the name B ible, number, a nd d iv isions of the books, the hi story of the manu scri pts, and of our E ngli sh vers ions, the inspi rat ion of th e books, t he canon of Scri pture. th e geog ra phy of B ibl e lands, especiall y Pales t ine and Jeru salem. the temple. its loca ti on and ·t ru cture, the syna­ gogue and its ser vices. VI. Biblical Criticism Bibli ca l cr itic;sm has been brought in to disrepute among many, becau se of the preYa lence and ar rogance of destn1cti vc criticism, but it has its proper pl ace in a ny thorough study o f the B ible. a nd a thorough a nd cand id study of B ibli cal criti ­ cism neYer leads to dest ructiYe, hut to const ru ct ive result s. A ca refu l exam;nat ion is, made of the methods a nd a rgument s of the destrll ct iYe cr it ics, a nd the fa lsity of their conclu sions. T he pos it ive argument fo r the l\fosaic authorship of the Penta­ teuch, fo r I sa iah's a uthorship of the ent ire book bearing hi o name, and for Dani el being the author of t he book of Dani el, well be fu ll y stated . VII. Christian Evidences (1) T he proof that J esus rea ll y arose from the dead . (2) T he ev idence that the Bibl e is the \Vo rel of God . Refe rence

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