



is made to the evidence from the monuments, from prophecv, from the hi story of the book, from a compa ri son of the Bible with other books, togeth er with a proof in personal experi ence that the B ibl e is the 1Vo rd of God. See also "Course in the H istory and Phi losophy of the Chri sti an Rel igion." VIII. A Course in the History and Philosophy of the Christian Religion Note: Two-year students w;ll be permitted to take only part of this course . T hi s cou rse a ims to inter pret Chri stiani ty in its world set­ ting and to cons icl er the va liclity of its claims in the light of P hil osophy, Science and Crit; cism. Const ructi vely thi s will mean a study of th e B ibl e Phil osophy of Religion. It will fo llow two def inite lines of' study, each covering a period of three schoo l years .· F ir st, a study of the history of the Chri stian Religion . Second an interpretat;on of the history. Frns-r YEAR I. THE ORIGI N AND DEYELOPl\IENT OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 1. The ·wo rld Background . (a) Greek Thought- a n out line of the results of men's end eavor to und er stand hi story a nd the world. (b) Roman Politi cs- an out li ne of the results of huma n Government s. (c) Hebrew and popular religions- a n outline of the issues of men' s th inking about Goel . 2. B irth, Life, i\b1i stry, Death a nd Resurrect ion of Chri st. A brief stud v of the Historical Chri st-or the Ch ri st of the Gosp;ls. 3. The or igin of the Church a nd the confli ct a nd develop­ ment of the Chr is tian religion in the first four cen­ turies A. D. 4. T he .ori g in and development of the Roman Catholi c a n<l Greek Cathol;c Churches up to the 12th Century. 5. T he Reform::ttion.


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