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(a) The world and poli t ical background. ( b ) The Relig ious and Eccles ;asti ca l backg round. (c) The orig in , nat ure and s;gnifi cance of the t hree g rea t branches of the Reformat ion-the Lutheran. E ngli sh and Reformed. TH IRD YEAR 6. T he ri se and development of the modern Church with its new atti tud e ( whi ch is usua ll y referred to as "The Modern l\1ind' ') and its mi ss iona ry, philanth rop ic and soc;al movements. Thi s will be an endeavor t o get the hi stori cal bas is and background of the complex and acute problems with whi ch the church is now con­ fro nted in its thinking and acti vit ies. II . T H E PHILOSOPHI CAL INTERPRE TATION OF THESE FACT S OF RE LIGION. Thi s will be an endeavor to fi nd the source, meaning and significance of the fact of r el;g ion as fo und in t he hi story studi es . F rn sT YEAR 1. The interpretat ion of th e worl d as it find s its culminati on in man and th e social orde r. Thi s will be an endeavor to get a clear idea of the d iffe rent th eori es of the orig in and meaning of our worl d with spec ial regard to th e or ig in , nature and meaning of relig ion. Thi s will involve the d iffe rent theo ri es of evoluti on and the quest ion of the poss i­ bil ity and nature of reYe lati on .


2. Jesus Chr ;st as th e hi ghest express ion of li fe and the logical key to th e fin al meaning of our worl d and the supreme authority in relig ion. T his will be largely a stud y in comparati ve relig ions in whi ch there will be an endeavor to see the nature and significance of the d iffe rent world relig ions and to fin d t he fundamental reasons why Chr is ti anity is the universal and final religion.

Twe nty -nin e

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