



Tnmo YEAR 3. A study of Chri stianity as a supernatural and redemptive reli gion as affected by modern Science, P hilosophy and Cri t ici sm. In this course we wi ll frank ly face the claims of so- . called sc ientifi c and histori ca l methods that defi­ ni tely exclude the supernatural a nd try to expla in religion on a purely naturali st ic or semi -naturalistic basis. I n a constructive way we will endeavor to show that any t heo ry that can honestly cla im to be scient ifi c and historical in its dealing with the fact of religion mu st make provision fo r all the facts of ex­ perience and not a rbit rar ily exclude any fact in the in terest of the theory . It is· one thing to have a con­ s istent and construct ive phil osophy of hi story, and qu ite another thing to doctor and reconst ruct hi story to fit into our pholosophy. T hi s course wi ll a im to give a true phil osophy of relig ion as it is act uall y fo und in history and human exper ience. Any such phil osophy must in the very nature of things center in Chr ist, for He is the supreme express ion of religion from wllateYer angle we approach it. T herefore, a philosophical interpretation of the Bible as it centers and culminates in Chri st involves a comprehens ive and scienti fi e interpretation of re­ ligion and of the world of whi ch it is an essent ial part. That is why a course of thi s ki nd has a funda­ mental place in a "B ible In st itute" which aims to thoroughly fit men and women to intelligentl y preach Chri st and present His supreme claim to Lordship in li fe and its affairs. IX. The Study of the Bible with Special Reference to its Use in Personal Work The most important and effect ive method of br inging men to Chri st, both in home and fo reign lands, is PERSONAL WORK. A special emphasis is laid u pon t hi s work in the Bible Institute. The object of the study is to give the stud ent a t horough knowledge of the different classes of men and women and


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