



children that one is likely to meet, and to teach them how to use the Bible in dealing with these var ious classes . The fo ll owing subj ects a re considered: ( 1) The Import­ ance and Advantages of Personal \\Tork. (2) The Conditions of Success. ( 3) \ ,\T here to do personal work. ( 4) How to begin a conversation. ( 5) \i\That instructions to oive a new convert. (6) How to deal with those who reali ze their need of a Saviour, and really desire to be saved . (7) How to deal with those who have little or no concern about their sou ls. (8) How to deal with those who have difficulti es . (All the difficulties that one meets in personal work are carefu ll y studied under this head , and the va ri ous pa ssages of Scripture that have been most used of Goel in delivering men from these difficulties, art brought forward). (9) How to deal with those who entertain false hopes . ( 10) How to deal with those who lack assurance. ( 11 ) How to dea l with backsliders. ( 12) How to deal with professed skept ics, infidel s, atheists, and agnostics. ( 13) How to deal with those who wi h to put off decision unt il some other time. ( 14 ) How to dea l w;th the deluded . U nder this head all the modern delu sions, such as Chr ist ian Science, Ru sseli sm, Seventh Day Aclventi sm, Spirituali sm, Theosophy, etc., are consiclerecl, and the student taught to use hi s Bible to deliver people from these delusion s. ( 15) How to deal with Ch ri s­ tian s who need counsel, rebuke or encouragement. The course in Personal \Vork is a course in real and practical psychology. X. Homiletics The object of thi s department is to quali fy men and women to prepare and deli ve r sermons, Go pel addresses, Bible read ings and expositions of God's \Vorel wherever needed- in pu lpit, street, jail, shop or cottage. Pract ical demonstration in sermon outline and structure is given, and frequent use is made of the blackboard to illustrate same. From time to time, stu­ dents are r eq uired to prepare for criticism outlines of sermon s and addresses . The second year in Homiletics is wholly de­ voted to preaching by students in the class room. Here par­ t icu lar attenti on is paid to cor recting defects in the construction and delivery of se rmon s and Gospel addresses. Both teacher and class take part in thi s work of criti cism . Direction is also given in public prayer and t he public reading of the \ i\Tord of God.


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