



Cycle of Study


f,' irst Semes ter- T he Call to Preach; Concepti on of the Min­ istry; The Permanent Function of the Mi nist ry; T he Goa l in View; The P reacher's Co-operat ing Agents; T hemes; Doctrinal preaching; Top ical, Textual, E xpos itory Ser­ mons; T he Question and Answer Yrethod of Preaching. Second Semester-Extemporaneous Preach ing; :Memori zing the Se rmon; Read ing Sermons; The Sermon in the Mak­ ing; The Three Essential P arts of a Sermon- Introduc­ tion, Discussion, Conclu sion; Af ter the Choice of a Text, What? Hints on Select ing l\Iateria l and P lanni ng the Mes­ sage ; Sermon Outlines ;


P reaching by Students; Outl ine \ Vo rk fo r Criti cisms by Class and Teacher; Correcti on of Defects in Reading of Scr ipture, P ubli c Praye r and Sermon.

XI. Pastoral Theology Lectu1-es and fami liar ta lks on the work of the Pasto r; the office; the call ; the privileges and per ils ; hi s public and pri vate lif e ; his relation to the church as a whole and to its va r ious organizations; to the press; to the people, and to philanthropic work. XII. Evangelism The object of t hi s study is to show what is the true work of the evangelist, and to instruct the students in the most effective methods of evangeli sm, including such subj ects as: How to preach the Gospel from the evangelistic standpoint , How to get ready for special mee tings, H ow to train the workers, How to conduct after meetings, How to conduct children's meet ings, How to establish the converts, T he rela- . tion o f the evangelist to the churches, How to fo llow up the

Thi r ty-two

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