



work, How to advertise the work. How to rai se money for the work. These sul jects are a ll treated in a practical way, lea rned by expe ri ence by one who has done evangelistic work in every part of the globe, ass;sted by othe1- reli able and effi­ cient evangeli sts . XIII. Bible Teachers' Training Class This class bas for its purpose the training of men and women to be interes ting and efficient Bible teachers in churches, evangeli st ic meetings, Bible Conferences, Bibl e classes, Sunday School , Coll eges, Young Men's and Young \ \Tomen's Christian Assoc iat ;ons. and other institutions where the teaching of the Engl ish Bible is required. In this class student s are taught the principles underlying, and the laws g-o\'ern ing the teaching process . and a re call ed upon to teach in the class room, their work being cr iti cized by the teacher and their fe ll ow students. Special emphasis is laid upon the teachino· of popular Bible classes. The best method of teaching a re put into pract ice. Second year students on ly are eli gible to thi s class. XIV. Psychology and Sociology The best text book on psychology is the B ible. The Bible sets fort h man as he really is. The study of psychology is pu rsued in many of the cla sses, and especiall y in the Personal vVork course. Its a im is to give the student a thorough knowl­ edge of man as he actua ll y is by nature, as he is in hi s personal li fe, home life, social life, business lif e, and mental, moral and spirit ual li fe, and as he may become by the grace of God in Jesus Chri st . T he a im of the Inst itute is that the men and women who go out from it shall not onl y know their Bibles, but shall have a thorough, practical, working knowledge of me:1 in the;r relation to themselves, to one anot her, to society, to the church, and to God. XV. Pedagogy It is not enough to know the truth, one needs to know how to communi cate t hat t ru th to others. Students are g iven a thorough course of study and pract ice in those methods of


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