



teach ing that haYe proYed effect ive in pe rsonal exper ience. S uch su bjects as: T he Po int of Contact, The A rt of Illustra­ t ion, The A rt of Q uesti oning, Ga ining and H old ing the Con­ fide nce of the Class; Encouraging the Backward, etc., are care­ fully studi ed. ( See al so B ibl e Teachers' Tra;ning Class, page 33.) XVI. Prophecy A ca ref ul. sa ne stud\' of t he fulfilled and unfulfill ed l\ [ess i­ anic and General prophe°s ies of the O ld and ~ew Testaments , showi ng that the modern ist position that there is no predicti\'e clement in the Bible, is ll11tenahl e in the light of the facts . XVII. The Sunday School The work of an Advancccl Teacher Training Course is pre­ sented wit h emphasis on methods . not organization. A simple yet compl ete cour ~e in chi ld stucly is also gi\'en in order that a curr iculum sui ted to each age ma_,· be plann ed. Th is w;ll be especia ll y \'aluable to one who must work independ ently of lessons prO\'ided by others . Special emphasis is placed on the select ion of mater ial fo r indi\'iclual lessons for each age, to its preparation and nresentation in accord ,,·ith the pedagogical standards of the foremost ecl ucat;onal inst itut ions. In Yiew of the call for teachers of the Bible to work in connection with the publi c schools of many cities in se,·cral different states. t hose holding teacher's credentia ls a re hclpecl to plan cou r ses of study for use in this great work. XVIII. Christian Education Designecl to prepare for positions as pastor's assistants' directors of Chr; stian Education and leadership in the Sun da) . chool and Yarious orga ni zat ions of the church. Th is course wil l include : A st udy of the modern principles of teaching espec ia lh· as applied to Ch ri stian ed ucati on: A study of child psychology. and the general characte r ;s­ t ics, capac ities. limitat ions a nd interests of the Ya ri ous age groups in the Sun day School a nd kindred organ izati ons; A study of the ori g in. de\'el opment and st ructure of t he O ld and New Testaments with specia l attent ion g i1·e11 to the

Thirty -fiv e

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