





teachings of the Master and the founding of Chri stianity and the Apostolic Church; A study of the organization and administration of the modern Sunday School. XIX. The Use of the Blackboard In thi s class student s are carefu lly trained in the use of the blackboard in setting forth Gospel truth. Every Bible teacher, and especially the worker s in the Sunday-school, should be able to sketch off-hand maps or other illu strations that will get and hold th e attenti on of the class . E laborate blackboard drawings are not attempted , but any student with some natural g ift for drawing will get suffici ent training in the fundamenta ls to develop the g ift a long correct lines. XX. Missions I n this course is covered the hi story of Chri stian mi ss ions up to and including the organization of the great mi ss ionary boards; the needs of , and the mi ssionary forces in the great heathen lands are studi ed, the call and qualificati ons of the mi s­ sionary are presented and instructi on given as to applying to · the boa1·ds ; the mi ss ionary on the fi eld , hi s r elati on toward s hi s fell ow mi ss iona ri es, toward s the board , towards the heathen. and the care of hi s own health, are dea lt with. The variou s phases of home missionary work are also considered, such as, the immig rant probl em, the Indian probl em, the Negro problem, and the work among the mountaineers of the south. The Insti­ tute is highl y favored in having, either as enrolled student s or visitor s, retu rned mi ss ionaries r epresenting in the cou r se of the yea r practicall y every g rea t world field and every great mi ss ion board, and the students are always g iven an opportunity to hea r from them. One term is devoted to a course of in struction in First Aid to the Injured and H ome H ygiene and includes : Causes of Di sease ; Preventi on of D; ~ease ; The Mi ss ion­ ary as a Sanitary E ng ineer; Di sease ; Treatment of Di sease ; Drugs in common use; F orm of Admini strati on; Mode of Admi ni st rati on; Poisons; Fits or Seizures ; Obstruct; on to Respirati on; \ 1 Vounds; Sprai ns ; Fractures and Di slocat ions; Bandaging; Burns; Seri ous Injuries.


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