



XXI. Public Speaking and the Reading of the Scriptures Instruct ion in th is course will cover everything that is fundamenta l and essential in the use of the voice in public expression in preaching and teaching, and the publ ic reading of the Bible. Very specifi c inst ructi on will be g iven in the care and development of the vo ice, in enunciat ion and pronuncia­ t ion and also in diction and sty le, both in writing and speak­ ing. · The stud ents will be r equ i1·ed to make publi c addresses before the class, to be cr iticized by the class and by the instruc­ tors. The stud ent s wdl also be required to speak in publi c, in open air meetings, shop meet ings and churches, and their work will be reviewed and cr itici zed. They will be required to read the Bible and will be shown their defects and how they can be corrected. It is especiall y a imed to teach the students to think on their feet and to be ready on all occas ions to express the truth in the most fo rcible and telling way. XXII. Bible Lands and Manners and Customs The object of this course is to enable stud ents to under­ stand the Bible in the light o f the land s and customs in which the Bible was written. It is g iven in connect ion with the course entitl ed Biblical Introduction. See page 26. XXIII. New Testament Greek \ i\l hil e some men on account of age-and lack of previous education enter the mini st ry without knowing New Testament Greek,-and oft en do excellent work, it is well for young men who can do so to take up that subject . A conscient ious stu­ den t , under proper in truction, can, in three years, lay the foundat ion of a working knowledge of the language in which the 1 ew Testament was written. Only those students taking the Th ree Year Course will be permitted to take this subj ect.


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