



XXIV. The Study of English EYe ry grad uate from the Dible Institute w;l l be required to haYe a thorough, pract ical knowl edge of the Engli sh lang­ uage. Jt is desirable that e1·ery one bef ore entering the Insti ­ tute should haYe a knowledge of E ng li sh g rammar , but there are many men and women who can be of g reat use in teach ing and preach ing the \\ .ord, whose knowledge of English is yery elementary and inaccurate. \\ ·e do not exclude such from the ach·a ntages of the B ible In st itute, but th ey a re not awarded the dipl oma . unless th ey shall haYe secured a working knowl­ edge of modern E ngli sh. The inst ruct ion in English g iYen in the In stitute is of a most practical character . A stud ent enter­ ing th e Institute without haYing compl eted the High School studi es may he required by the facu lty to lengthen hi s stay to three yea rs in order to acquire English. Special work in Advan ced E ngli sh is giYen ;n the Three '/ear Course. The Eng­ li sh Bibl e is th e one peerless ma sterpi ece of pure, forceful E ng li sh and the student s will be persistent ly tra ined to use pure. Yigorous, Bible Engl ish. XXV. The Preacher and His Duties Out of a n expe ri ence as a pastor for nearly twenty-five ,·ear~. a nd as a n eYa nge li st for se1·eral _,·cars. the teacher directs in the study of such _.;ta ! topics as: The Preacher as a S tu­ dent; Hints on Reading; The :\ fini ste r 's Office or Stud y; Buy­ ;ng Books- \\.hen. 1-l ow and \\.hat; l-learers, and How t0 Treat Them; Relation of the :\ fesscngc r to hi s :\ T essage; Th~ P reacher' s l_oya lty t o his :\faster. to hi s Message and to :\fen: Dange rs to AYoid in the :\finistry; Church Gm·ernment- H ow to Treat Church Officers; The :\fid-week Praye r :\feeting, its \-alue. its Leader s . its T opics and ;ts Dangers; The :\ [ini ster 's Reiation to the Children of Hi s Parish ;- Dealing With Chil d Convers ion and Ch ild Training and \\ ' ork for Children in General; :\feetings for Children O nly; Sermons fo r Children; \-is;tation or Pastora l Calling ; Illustra t ions, their F unction, Cha racter and Sou rce. XXVI. Music The prime object of the mu sic in st ru cti on is to eq uip the stud ent thoroughl y for e\-cry demand made upon the Chri st ian

Thirty-ei g h t

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