

worker in play ing, si nging , conduct ing , writing and teaching Gospe l mu sic. It prepares for e,·e ry branch of regular church mu sic activ;LY, and th e special work of mu sic .in eva ngeli sm. Courses a re offered in Voice, Piano. O rgan, Violin, Theory and Notati on, S ight S ing ing, Conducting, Harmony a nd Com­ pos iti on, No rmal Training, Hymnology, Advanced Choru s and Ea r Training. In all inst ruction a stand a rd of techn;que is maintained equal to that of th~ best consen ·ato ri es, and provi s ion is made fo r work in Voice, Piano, Organ . Counterpoint and Compos i­ tion more advanced than that outlined in th e r egular two years ' course and menti oned in the preceding paragraph. The in st ruction in Yoice. piano. organ and viol in is inc!;­ vidual, and a charge of $ 1.00 for half -hour lessons is made for Yoice, piano and Yiolin, and $3 .00 fur pipe oi-gan to enrolled student s. and their wi ves, or hu sband s, or children, and to mis-­ sionar ies on furl ough. T o persons not enroll ed as stud ents the rates for pri vate instructi on are: Yoice, piano and v iolin, $2.00; pipe organ, $5 .00. A charge of $ 1.00 a month is mad e for da il y use of practice pianos fo,· piano and voice pupi ls. The rat e for pipe orga n lessons includes free daily orga n pract ice . 1. NOTATIO~, TH,EORY AND SIGHT S I NGI NG Thi s subject g ;Ye., a foundati on fo r all other music train­ ing, and is pmsued thoroughly . Notation I. cover s the rudiments of mu sic, a mastery of scale relati on and the maj or keys. Notation II. continues thi s work a nd g ives drill in more diffi cult note read ing, chromatics . modu lati ons, and the natural , melod ic and ha rmonic forms of the sca le in m;nor keys . S ight si,wing and ach·anced choru s perfect the stud ent st ill further in rapid read ing of notes and unaccompanied si ng ing of pa r t songs. 2. YOfCE Attent ion is gi,·en to the incliY;clual needs of each stud ent - with emphas is upon breath cont rol. open throat, placement. the even scale, enunciati on , articulation, diction, phrasing a nd interpretation. Standard exercises of Root. Vacci, S ieber , Con-


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