



cone, Marchesi, Behnke and other s are used, also a wide var iety of songs, with emphas is a lways upon the study and interpreta­ t ion of Gospel music. 3. PIANO T he course in piano meets the demands of all classes of students from t he beginner to the stud ent o{ advanced stand­ ing. Stress is lai d upon t he development o{ technique and its application to the playi ng of hymn s and Gospel songs in church and evengeli stic meetings. Standard technical exercises by Clemen ti, Kuhl au, Burgmu ll er , Heller, Rogers and Cramer, and the works of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven, Chopin, Schu­ mann , Mendelssohn , Gri eg, McDowell, Rachmaninoff, Debussy, Sinding and others, a re/ adapted to the individual needs of the student . 4. ORGAN Appli cants for organ study mu st have a certain amount of piano prepa ration. Special trai ning is g iven in manual touch, pedal t echnique, regist ration, church playing and solo and choir accompaniment. Standard works are used, such as Pedal Stu­ dies by \ i\Thi t ing, Schneider and Buck, the Rink Organ School and the Bach Little Preludes and F ugues, Compos iti ons by F lagler, Gounod, Merkel, Lemaigre, Batiste, etc. More advanced student s take up the study of organ son­ atas, concertos and other compositions by lVIendel ssohn, Guil­ mant, Rheinberger, \Vidor and other s. 5. HARMONY The course in Harmony and Compos iti on g ives the student a thorough and practical knowledge of chord s and their rela­ tion, voice lead ing, pract ice in harmonizati on of g iven melodies, and leads to original work and the writ ing of Gospel songs and other compositions. This work covers two semesters. 6. EAR TRAINING This course directs the stud ent to think tonality and to discriminate, through the ear, the different harmonies. Chord and melody dictation is g iven and g reat st ress is placed on the outstanding harmoni c resolut ions, modu lati on and chromatic alterat ions.


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