



7. CONDUCTING S tudents are given thorough inst ruct ion in all var ieties of rhyt hm a nd the bes t way of beat ing t;me fo r each- both with and without the baton . E ach student appears before t he class fr om time to t ime as a conductor and unde r the guidance and criti cism of the instructor gains actual exper ience in conduct ing a choir and cong regation. 8. NORMAL TRAIN I NG Students a re inst ructed in pedagogical pri nciples as applied to mu sic, and given ac tual experi ence before the class in teach­ ing t he fac ts of mu sic T heo ry, Notati on and Ha rmony. Thi ~ subj ect requires two semesters to complete it. 9. VIOLIN AND ORCH ESTRAL INSTRUMENTS An experi enced violini st gives instructi on in thi s impo r tant inst rument, using the best modern methods. Expert instruction is a lso provided fo r those des iring inst ructi on on the cornet, t rombone and other band a nd orchest ral inst ruments. XXVII. Practical Work As the whole a im of the In st itute is to turn out workers who a re practi cal, the inst ructi on given in the class room is at once translated into pract ice, as a part of the t raining. Students a re requ ired to attend and ass ist in mi ss ions, street meetings, tent meetings, to visit people in their homes . to conduct adult Bibl e classes and Sunday school classes, and to engage in va ri ous other fo rms of aggress ive Christ ian work, and a lways with their eyes open for oppor tu niti es fo r personal work. T hese ass ignment s a re made by the Superintendents , and every student is required to hand in each week a wri t ten repor t of their work. A weekly report meet ing is held at which the work of t he preceding week is surveyed and d ifficulties discussed. This is one of the most pract ical, helpful , and inspi rat ional hours of the week.


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