



The Three Year Course

Vve fee l increas ingly that certa in classes of students attend­ ing the Institute should be g iven oppo rtunity to pursue their studi es beyond what is possible in the two yea r course. Many of our graduates who haYe been call ed to positions of responsi­ bili ty in the d ifferent denominations have fe lt the need for a full er preparation. \\'ith this in mind a third yea r has been aclclecl to the curri cu lum. It seeks to provide a course that enables those looki ng towards leadershi p in Chr ist ian education and as Pastors' Ass istants, in Sunday Schoo l and Young Peo­ ple's work a knowledge First. of Chri stian psychology . The idea of th is part of the course is to giYe them an understanding of chil d nature and the different ways in which people of different temperaments may be approached, and an in sight into the laws tha t govern the activiti es of groups and the react ;ons of cong regat ions. Second, of the intel lectual difficu lti es with which young people are confront ed in our clay so t hat they may effect ively meet them and be able to lead the young people to an in te lli gent uncle1·stancling of a Chri st ian Yiew of Goel and the Bible and man 's place in the world. Vie find among the stud ents many who prove to have niarked ta lents along the lines of preaching and pastoral work. \Vheneve r possible we ac!Yise those who can do so, to take work in evangeli cal theological semina ri es connected with t he denomi­ nati on of which they happen to be members, but in cases where they are not able to do th is (and there a re many such cases) we endeavo r to g ive them a further knowledge of New Testa­ ment Greek, homiletics, theology. church hi story and phil osophy of religion, and ach·ancecl work in Bible study and exegesis. The work in psycho.logy also ha this class of students in mind and a ims to be practical in its bearings upon its every-day problems wT1ich confront a pastor in the work of a church. Much of this work is taught by men who have had la rge experi ence in pastoral work. It is more than the teaching of me1·e theories concerning these things- it is the setti ng forth of pr inciples that have been t ri ed out and fou nd successfu l in the actual work of the pastorate. The course a lso ha s in mind mini sters who have had a full theological course but fee l t he need of a full er and more prac­ tica l knowledge of the Engli sh Bible and practical Chr ist ian work

For t y-four

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