



fo r which there is an unu sual opportuni ty through the regular church acti vit ies and through t he special evangeli sti c work car­ ri ed on by the Institute among different classes of people in thi s o-rea t city . F ew citi es offer a greater opportun ity fo r a prac­ ti cal experience in the doing of the different kind s of work chal­ lenging the modern church. Many mini sters who have been in the work severa l yea rs and reali ze wha t is demanded o f the pastor, express the wi sh that they might have had the opportun­ ity of a yea r 's study in some Bibl e Institute afte r fini shing the regu lar seminary course . O ther s who have had the Bibl e Insti­ tute course befo re going to the seniinary a re most emphatic in their appreciation of what the work meant to them. Finall y we have in mind the mi ss iona ries who return to the homeland on furl ough and visi t the school and we endeavor to make thi s course serve them in a very real way . There is no more a ttractive place in America fo r returned mi ssiona ri es than Los Angeles and it is our purpose to consider their special needs more and more each yea r and to strengthen our course a long thi s line. vVith these different groups in mind we try to make the work of the third yea r not onl y thorough from a techni cal and academi cal point o f view bu t also fr om the point of view of the deepening of the spiritual lif e of the students and t he intensi­ fy ing of their sense of responsibil ity and oppo rtuni ty in the work of the church in a day tha t is chall enging the ve ry best t hat there is in men and women, and a t ime that is calling fo r reality in lif e and work . \ Ve t ry especiall y to cultivate the spirit that will lead men and women to give themselves to the hard and neglec ted fi elds at home and abroad. The church is becoming more and more al a rmed at t he large number of churches th roughout the rural dist ri cts that are pastorless, and in the third year work we are trying to t horoughly prepa re men who will be willing to take work in difficult and neglected fi elds. In a word, the work of the third year is fo r the purpose of more thorqughly fitting men into the lif e and practi cal work of the church .


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