



The Courses of Study T o meet the needs o f stud ents whose Ji Fe-work will demand special emphas is upon certain forms of Chri stian e ffort, the [nst itute ha s ai-ranged, in addit ion to th e general course of training- Course One, three other courses, as fo ll ows : Course Two, arranged fo r those wi shing spec;al training in :\[usic; Course Th ree, special training in Home and F oreign i\ 1iss ions ; Course F our, special training in Re li g ious Educati on. The sub­ jects of each Course are as fo ll ows :

Course I.

( Regular Course)


S ECO);D S I~\I ESTIC: R Bi bli ca l Geog raphy and In s ti t u- ti ons. P ersona l \\"o rk Bi ble Cha pte r Summa ry Bible Synth es is Bible Doct rin e O ri g in and Deve lopment of th e Chri s ti a n Re li gion P hil osophy of th e Chri s ti a n Re li g ion ll omil et ics Home a nd F o reign \I iss io ns I'racti cal \\fo rk Report .\l ee ting

FTRST S E\ I ESTER Bibli ca l Introducti on P er sona l \ Vo rk Bi ble Chapte r Summary

Bible Sy nth es is Bibl e Doc trin e Origin and De velopment of th e Chri st ian .Religi on Phil osoph y of th e Chri sti a n R.c li gion J lomil eti cs H orn e a ucl F or eig n \I iss ions Practical Wo rk Repo rt \ I eet ing


YEAR S I-: CO );D SDIESTER Bi ble Chapter S umma ry

FIRST S IC.: \ 11 ,STER Bibl e Chapter S umma ry

Bible S ynth es is Bibl e D·octr ine Bibl e f\ nal ys is Origin a nd Deve lopment of th e Chri s ti a n Re li g ion Phil osophy of the Chri s ti a n Religion H omil eti cs S unday Schoo l ?II ethods Prin ciples of Teac hing Evange li sm Pract ica l Work Report \[ eā‚¬ting

Bible Sy nthes is Bi ble Doctrin e Bible ,c\n a lys is Ori g in and De,·e lopmcnt o f tlw Chri st ian Reli g ion Phil osophy o f the Chri st ian Re li g ion H omi le ti cs S un day Schoo l \Icth ods Pract ice Teachin g Prac ti ca l \\ .o rk H.epor t \I ec tin g

F orly-seven

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