


vey of va ri ous F ields in Latin Amer ica a nd th e I sla nds O r igin and Deve lopment of the Ch ri sti an Reli g ion P hi losophy of the Chri s ti an Religi on H omil et ics Practica l 'No r k Report Meeti ng

SECOND SEME STE R Bibli ca l Introduct ion P ersona l \ Iv ork Bibl e Chap te r S umma ry

Bibl e Synthes is Bible Doctrine H istory of \1.iss ions and sur-


FIRST . SEMEST E R Bibl e Chapter S umma ry

SECOND SEMEST ER Bible Chapter Summary

Bibl e Sy nthes is Bibl e Doctrin e Bible Ana lys is M iss ions- The Miss iona ry's Qua li fica ti ons O ri g in and Deve lopment of th e Ch r ist ian Relig ion P hil osophy of the Ch r ist ia n Reli g ion H omil eti cs S unday Schoo l Methods T ea cher T ra in ing Practica l Wo rk Report !\l eeting

Bible Synthe,i s Bibl e Doctr ine Bible Ana lys is 11 issionary Hygiene a nd F ir st A id O ri g in a nd D eve lopment o f the Chri s tian Reli g ion P hil osophy of th e Chri sti an Reli g ion I-Iomilet ics S unday Schoo l Methods T each er Tra ining P ract ica l \!\Tork Repo r t Meeting


(Specializing in Christian Education)

Course IV.


FIRST SEMEST E R Bibli ca l In t roducti on Per sona l \ Iv ork Bibl e Chapte r S umma ry

SECOl\ D SEMEST ER B ibli ca l Introducti on Pe rsona l \ ,\To r k Bibl e Chapte r S umma ry

Bibl e Sy nthes is Bibl e Doctrin e Or igin an d Development o f the Ch r ist ian Reli g ion Phil osop hy of the Chri s ti an Reli g ion Homil eti cs Chri s t ia n Ed uca t ion and Sund ay Schoo l Methods P ra cti ca l \ ,Vo rk Report Meeting

Bi ble Synthes is Bible Doctr ine O r igin a nd Deve lopment o f the Chr ist ian Reli g ion P hil osophy of th e Chr is ti an Reli g ion H omil eti cs Chri s t ia n Ed uca tion a nd S unday Schoo l Methods Pract ical Wo rk Report Meeti ng

Forty-n ine

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