



Information for Intending Students

How to Make Application for Admission Those who desire to become students of the Bible Institute should write to the Stud ent Secretary fo r an application fo rm, and afte r hav ing fill ed it out by answering all t he quest ions carefull y, should return it to him . No one wi ll be enrolled as a student until the refe rences giYen have been hea rd from. The mere filling out of the fo rm of appli cat ion does not necessaril y imply acceptance of the applicant. If th e references and the app licat ion prove sat isfactory, the applicant will be notifi ed prompt ly. A rriving in Los Angeles There a re seYeral lines of rai lroads entering Los Angeles, com ing in at d iffe rent stations, and it is impossible to meet students at the trains. On reaching Los Angeles, i·nquiry shoul d be made as to the t rolley line leadi ng to the Inst itute. The Institute is located at 536-558 South Hope St., a few doors from the corner of \ Vest ixth St. Direct lines of trol ­ ley from some of the stat ions, pass the co rner of S ix th and Hope Sts ., and from a ll other stat ions, ca rs can be taken, from whi ch transfers can be had to the trolleys passing nea r the Institute . Stud ent s coming- to the In st itute, a lthough they will not be met at the t ra in , should notify the Superintendent of Men or \\' omen as the case may be, by what road they a re coming, and the time their t rai n is schedul ed to reach Los Angeles . Entrance Requirements T he minimum age at which young men and women a re admitted to the Institute is eighteen . Those coming to t he Inst itute mu st be in reasonably sound health . All applicants shou ld have completed the high school course, or its equivalent. Oftentimes a bu siness t raini ng is equi va lent, or more than an equivalent, to such a course. More-

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