




over, there a re men and women whose Engli sh education is ve ry deficient , but who have certa in g ifts that qualify them for many fo rms of Chri stian work, and they are often used to larger effectiveness than men and women who have had a thorough college education. M r . Moody himself, was not an educated man from the scholastic standpoint, but he was used as no other man of hi s generation. Therefore it is the poli cy o f the Institute to receive men and women of th is type. These cases , howeve r , a re excepti onal, and wherever one is young enough to get a good common grammar school and high school education before coming, it is desirable that they do so . A thorough col­ lege co urse, is desirable 11•/icn age per111its. J\'Iany of our stu­ dents a re uniYersity g raduates . Some of those whose training ha s been ve ry imperfec tj befo re taking the course at the Insti­ tute, gain a ve ry thorough wo rking knowl edge of the E ng lish language whi le here. All appl icants for admi ss ion to the Institute mu st be of good Chri stian characte r , and mu st have had at least one year of Chri st ian experience. They should have a genuine love fo r souls. proven by .actual experience in winning soul s to Chri st. T hey mu st be willing to do ha rd work, and submit to d;scipline and order. Stud ents are accepted onl y on trial for the fir st month . and if for any reason they are found unadapted fo r Chri st ian wo rk, they may be asked to withdraw at the close of the fir st month. Immed iately upon a;.rival at the Inst itute, men should report to the Superintendent of Men, and women to the Super­ intendent of vVorn en. T he best t ime to enter the Institute is at the beginning o f the school yea r in September. See Calendar, page 5. H ow­ ever, one may enter profitably at any t ime. Prospective students who are under the required age, or who fo r any other r eason are delayed in entering the Inst itute, are advi sed to commence a preparatory study of the Bi ble in advance, along Institute lines . T o a id them in doing this, the Correspondence Courses of the Inst itute are recommended. ( See pages 68-72) . Appli cants for entrance to the Inst itute a re recommended to subscr ibe for The K ing's Business, wh ich is publi shed monthly by the Inst itu te, which wi ll bring them continually in touch with the lif e and work of the Inst itute.


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