

Tuition Fees T here c!··e no tui t ion fees; bu t fo r pri 1·ate lessons in voca l and inst rument a l mu sic there is a nomina l cha rge. See page 38. Registration Fee There is a registra ti on fee each semes ter o f two doll a r s ($2 .00 ) . T hi s is payabl e on the R egistra ti on Day o f each t erm, be fore the stucl ent" s class sc hecl ul e is macle ou t. The Cashi er' s receipt mu st be presented to the R egistrar Thi s fee will 1int be refund ed in case a stud ent leaves th e rn stitute. Hospital and Nurse's Fund E1·ery registered student. rooming in the In stitute bu Jd­ ings, is requi red to con t ribute three doll a r s ($3 .00 ) each semes­ te r to the H osp ital a nd N urse's Fund. Thi s entitl es the student to the ser vices of the res ident nurse in cases not req uiring hos­ pita l ca re. '\\"he re t he studen t mu st go to th e hospita l, the F und will defray th e charge fo r room a nd board in one of the best hospitals in th e city, to the amount of eighty dollars ($80.00) . T hi s does not includ e phys icia ns' fees, cha rges fo r surgical ope rat ions, ambul a nce sen ·ice, or medi cines . l\Iate rn ity cases . or illness cl ue to chro ni c conditi ons ex isting be for e entering the Inst itu te, or acc idents clue to ca relessness or reckl essness , will not ent itle a student to the p ri vil eges of the F und . ln case of a n epid emi c. t he F und will be used as far as it will go, when a fur ther contd iuti on will lie necessary . F ees will not be refuncl ecl in case a stud ent leaves the In stit ute . Expense of Room and Board l ..i nma rr iecl students a re required to room and boa rd in the InsHute Buil d ing, but in the case of a stud ent who res ides wit!: pa rent s or relat ives in the city, or whose empl oyment is of such a nature as to necess ita te li ving outside the Jn sti tute bu ildings, the F aculty w•ll conside r the circumstances and dec ide acco rd ­ i1w h·. b - l\fa rri ed st ucl ents can usua ll y find com fo rta bl e a partments a t reasonable rates within easy reach o f the In stitute. T he In st itute w ill ass ist them to do so a s far a s possi bl e.

Fifty -four

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